Dear Telegraph

The Telegraph recently posted the 101 greatest questions of all time.

Aren’t you curious?

Here are five of the top twenty (in no particular order).

(1)  Where is the safest place to stand outside in a thunderstorm?

(2)  Why do I feel cold and shiver when I have a fever?

(3)  Does chewing gum really stay inside you for years?

(4)  Can germs catch germs?

and my personal favorite:

(5)  Do men have cellulite?

How did they determine these were in the top 101 questions of all time?

Did they telephone survey?

Did they take a poll online?

Did they ask 1000 inquiring minds?

No one asked me.

I mean, I have been known to have an opinion and all that.

So, just in case the Telegraph is interested,…..

…….I have a question to add to the list.

A question I think is definitely worthy to be in the top 101 questions that I have ever asked.


It has puzzled me for the last month.

It has me asking…..why?

Why did I think putting these nest things under the wire cloches on my dining room table was a good idea?


I mean, I saw them in the store.  And I thought I would be a trend-setter in the tablescape department.

I’m not really even sure what they are.  They are just wound up vine mixed with leaves mixed with tiny pieces of broken vine mixed with general shedding material.  I think you are supposed to cut them apart and use them for garland.


Not on your dining room table.

Not on burlap.

You see those pieces of vine clinging to the side.




Any minute now those vines will detach themselves from the wire cloche display and take some tiny pieces of leaves with them and party.  Party like there’s no tomorrow.  Party like it’s 2099.

All over my dining room table.

Not my best choice.

Not my finest hour.

Not exactly the incredible spring tablescape I was going for.

So Telegraph, I mean I wonder why the earth is round and why kangaroos have pockets and where do all the extra socks go to and really….why can’t we all just get along?

I’m here.  If you need more questions.

Or if you want to get your party on….

….I’ve got some vines just waiting for you 🙂

PS  If you want to read all 101 questions click here.

PPS  If you are curious if it’s PPS or PSS read here.

PPPS  I am partying over at The Picket Fence and Funky Junk and Marty’s Cloche Party.

None of the questions, but all of the photos were taken by RTM Connect.

52 thoughts on “Dear Telegraph

  1. Ha! I know that one – it’s post post script!! & I think your cloches-on-nests-on-burlap that shed and scatter and do all kinds of cool things would be a great conversation piece!! Think of the fun you could have with them! Instead of food fights, you could have strand and twig fights! Instead of focusing on food, you could discuss the merits of having nests on your table – you’d lose weight!!! You’d forget all about food!!! OMG – YOU’RE A GENIUS!

    btw WHY? were you reading a British newspaper??? inquiring minds…

    love you to bits!!

    Aren’t you glad you met me?? lol

    k, i’m done now, ta ta! ps check out my homemade chalk paint blog post

  2. I used to have a poster in my classroom that said:
    “You’ll miss 100% of the shots you never take.”

    Only way to get it in the basket is to throw the dang ball. 🙂

    And btw, I was (yes, a dreaded) English teacher. It’s gotta be PPS.

  3. Looks like you took the whole “bringing the outside in” to a whole new level!

    And the grammar “socialist” is so happy that you cleared up that whole PPS vs. PSS thingy …

    … and this inquiring mind wants to know why I thought faux fauna and flora inside would look real?



  4. Umm…I ask myself questions like that all the time…unfortunately. Score one for taking a risk…That’s what being Bold is all about, yo.

  5. I think these photos of your dining room should be in a magazine like Country Living. They like the great displays that Pottery Barn has. You are that good! I really love your ideas!!!!

  6. LOL! Thank you, I needed that! – from one who is still finding pieces of juniper and hemlock in the oddest places 🙂

  7. Ya know..I obsess over all the items on my should I arrange them?….should I use those same ole plates?…should I use real flowers vs. fake?..and then YOU come along and place those gorgeous cloches over grapevine and it’s STUNNING!!!….I think I need to re-think my thinkin’ about my tables!!..You have so combined the cloches and tablescape together so beautifully!

    When asking my granddaughter one of your questions..she says… “Oh, grandma, you are so silly!..don’t you know kangaroos have pockets for their babies”…

  8. oh i have some questions i can ask!!! i do however love the table — there is a sense of charm that rings out! i do however know the troubles of broken vines and things that look pretty but some how just always create more work in the cleaning department…what about dry moss — NIGHTMARE but some how we still us it? one way or another — i do love the wire cloches! they are actually amazing! sending hugs and hope you get the chance to ask your questions…do men have cellulite…off to ask mr. google!!! hugs…

  9. Last time I had to have a questions answered I bought the book “Death in the Grand Canyon”. I had to know the number one reason people fall over the edge to their death.


  10. ha ha! this is too funny! but i think it is cute for now- just don’t move the cloches….
    and i know who came up with all the questions- “they” did. you know the they… like when people ask… “why do they _____ (fill in the blank)?” but you know there is no real they that is being talked about… it’s THEM. THEY came up with those questions.

  11. Don’t exhale near them. Or light a candle.

    And, for Heaven’s sake, do not have either of the twins do any kind of twirling near that table!!

  12. OK, you made me smile and laugh. Of course, that is the reason I read your blog. When I saw the close up of the table my first thought was “way cool” and ” how did she think of that”. I liked the whole look of the table. Thanks for being who you are and I enjoy your blog. Take care. ;o

  13. Hi, Karianne

    Thank you so much for stopping by today and leaving me such a sweet comment.
    Your home is just beautiful and those curtains I must have,ha…. Love your blog and I’m following you whichever way I can 🙂 Hugs


  14. It looks beautiful and no one would know that they shred if you didn’t tell us … how real of you … hahaha

    I LOVE your dining room, whenever you post it with a new angle I pin it …. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

  15. Well, too bad cute and trend-setting is also a messy party! Put those teenage boys to work cleaning up the party. 🙂
    Happy Friday, friend! I’ll be spending the weekend re-creating all my bookmarks on my rehabbed computer. Lost everything. Boo. Yay for the weekend, though. 🙂

  16. You are such a nut (you know I mean that in the best possible way). I hope you don’t have a cat, because then there would really be a party 🙂

  17. LOL! Don’t they know that they should find out the questions bloggers would like answered?? Like, why does wood glue seem to take forever to dry on wood and yet somehow manages to solidify in seconds when it gets in my hair. Just askin’!! 🙂 I think if they could see your completely beautiful dining room with it’s gorgeous Spring centerpiece they may not see the problem though. It truly is so lovely and makes me want to go and mix it up in my own dining room. But, note to self, I will not be adding the viney things on top of burlap!

  18. Oh how I adore your dining room. It is just gorgeous. Please have me over for dinner, or even tea. I’ll even bring the treats.
    I happen to think that the potential mess will be totally worthwhile. I am a firm believer in making sacrifices in the name of pretty design. Of course, right now, my home is covered in baby paraphinalia. Now, how can I make nursing pillows, baby swings and basinettes fit into my decor? Oh to heck with it, I will embrace the baby stuff as it is my last one, and then I know I’ll miss all the gear that goes along with baby =)

  19. WHO do THEY survey??? Not once in all my years have I been contacted for those kinds of surveys. I just get the calls for magazine subscriptions, political calls and “For only $$, you can learn how to…”.

    I love your dining room and think your tablescape project is beautiful. I think most of us have had projects that look wonderful but turn out to be a mess if it gets bumped.. More than once my kids have asked why we’re eating at the card table…AGAIN 🙂

  20. Not enough space for all of the questions that I have. I love your dining room. Sorry you have to clean up the mess, but I think it looks worth it. I love your whole house. Care to house swap?

  21. You crack me up. We’ve all had “what was I thinking” moments (Ahem. Some more than others. Finger pointed at self.)…but I happen to think your tablescape is gorgeous! I’d happily clean up the aftermath of a vine and burlap party, crushed beer cans and all, for that cuteness!

  22. Well, personally, I love it! But then, I’m not the one who has to clean it up when it sheds 😉 Your dining room is so peaceful-looking, with the grey furniture, burlap, and beautiful light.

    1. I LOVE your dining room! Where did you find those wire cloches? And I LOVE the smocking at the top of your drapes. Did you do the smocking or buy the fabric that way? If you bought it, would you mind letting me know where? If you made it, could you fill me in on how to do that? Isn’t imitation the best form of flattery?!!Thanks so much!

  23. Your dining room is stunning. Love it all. The drapes are exquisite, I really like she sheering at the top. The two cloches are such a lovely idea on the table. I need to remember and copy that for my table in the future. Beautifully done every detail. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

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