Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dining Room Tweaks

I recently posted  about the command message center in my hallway. While I was working on that I did a few tweaks to the dining room.

Here is a picture of the dining room at Christmas

Here is the dining room now. Yep it's the same room, same paint color. What a difference a better camera and improved lighting will do! And yes the room REALLY is that small. The dining room is approximately 8 x10 ft.

Notice the mirror is low? Well I hung it for my height (which is Shorty Mcshort-short). The hubbs can only see his mid-section in this mirror, haha. Eventually  the curtains will be dyed to closely match those concealing my storage on the left. That is floor to ceiling storage my hubbs put in for me a few years back.  I keep towels on the dining chairs because they are white denim slipcovers. And I have a cat. And 2 dogs. I get tired of washing the slipcovers all the time so it is just easier to use beach towels.

My curtains are tied back using 6 inch grapevine wreaths. It was a quick fix and  frugal ($0.59 each). The curtains are a tad to long and puddle on the floor. They are white and I have animals, not a good combination. I needed them pulled back so Sam-Sam can get in the window without shredding them. Or the dogs trampling on them.

Here's the view as soon as you enter my house. The dining room is the first thing you see. Ok- maybe the second because chances are the dogs will be jumping on you. I like the Expedit bookcase because it gave the room a little more definition. Instead of feeling like a pass through (which it is really, the stairs are tucked back in the corner) it feels defined.

We still need to install new flooring (that's the 131 yrs old floor your looking at), new  baseboards and update the lighting.  Eventually  I hope to install custom made doors for the floor to ceiling closet on the left. For now it works. It feels warm and enveloped. We don't have any big or fancy spaces. Everything is fairly simple and indeed cozy.  What do you think?

So, tell me about your dining room or entry!

Shared on    Metamorphosis Monday 2/13/12
Shared on CHS#6 Thursdays 2/15/12
Shared on   2/19/2012


  1. Love that idea of using mini-grapevine wreaths for curtain clever. I love small spaces-they just feel so cozy. I have a "library" that is 8x11 that houses my books along one whole wall, a table set up for doing watercolor painting and my seed starting shelf. Talk about a triple duty room!

    1. Sue-OOOOOhhhhh that sounds lovely! I would love to see a pic!! And OMG you REALLY are a morning-ist person, haha

  2. Everything is really looking great gal u r doing an awesome job keep it up and just think only a few more months and its yard sale season yay yay.By way as I told u other day i so love that ikea shelf but forgot to ask how much it was send me a text lol

  3. You can create a dining room that brings friends and family together in an elegant and inviting atmosphere. The style you choose should be complementary to adjoining rooms in your home so there is a sense of continuity in your home’s overall interior style. Thanks.
    Scarborough painters

  4. My favorite part of the room are those wreath tiebacks. How creative! I have 3 dogs, so I know what it's like to have to work decorating around them seomtimes. You've done a great job with your space. Thank you so much for linking up to my party, and I hope to see you again next week.

    1. Hi Shannon

      Thanks! It's amazing how creative you can be when you are darn near broke, haha! I hope to be there.(If I get my projects done in time!)

  5. That is so charming. Love the tie backs, how clever. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.


Please leave me a comment! I love feedback on what you like-(what you do not) and any stories or anecdotes you would like to share! Please know that while I may not be able to reply right away, that I do read every single comment and will respond as soon as I can!

Now chime in!