Airplane Cake

Last weekend was busy with cakes and I took a few extra pictures to share how they were put together! This was for a little boy who was turning 2.

Airplane black background side

I started with a 9×13 chocolate cake.

I cut the cake in thirds the long way – giving me 3 3”x13” strips.


I then used the above image to form the airplane. I did some rounding of the body along the bottom and also along the front. I also shaved some off the top between the cabin and the tail fin. I also shortened the back wings so they were shorter than the front wings. All in all, it went pretty quickly. I then threw a quick crumb coat on the whole works to hold in all the –- you guessed it! — crumbs.

january birthdays 002

The sky if really the limit for how you want to decorate the shape. I didn’t have a lot of time so I stuck with the white with colored accents. But you could easily do different colored wings and belly or more embellishments like stars etc. I added a few “clouds” along the edges to give the impression of clouds.

The little boy was pretty excited about it, so that makes it a lot of fun!

Airplane black background

TQ Jo signature

Linking to the following:

  Transformation Thursday A Little Knick Knack Chic on a Shoestring Decorating Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

5 thoughts on “Airplane Cake

  1. We had an airplane party for my son’s first birthday and this would have been perfect! If he’s still loves airplanes next year I will definitely give this a try.

  2. That is so COOL and every little boy would love this! It’s amazing!! Thanks for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday! We would love to have you back next Saturday and share more of your recipes and ideas! -The Sisters

  3. This looks great! Thank you SO much for the diagram. I love that this can be made from a 9×13 cake. I think I’m going to make this for my son’s birthday.

  4. How did you stack the body of the plane and the piece that is suppose to be the edge? I torted the one piece but it just doesn’t seem to go. Thanks

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