Friday, August 27, 2010

I've been creating new stuff from old stuff

I turned some old ratty bath towels

into pretty dish drying mats. I just cut a bath towel into 6 big squares and covered each square with some cotton fabric. Now I have 6 pretty dish drying mats.

There always seems to be 2 or 3 items each day that can't go in the dishwasher and this is prettier than a traditional dish drainer sitting out all the time.

I also turned a pile of glass bottles that were headed for the trash into new treasures.
Quart sized peanut butter jars became canisters for my pantry and craft room.
And a giant pickle jar became a pretty Pottery Barn knock off vase.
It's been fun finding new ways to use old things.

Joining these linky parties...

Punkin Seed Productions

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


Summer Miller said...

ohhhh I love these projects! Where did you get the lids for your cool canisters? I am going to have to make those dish dryers as well. I NEED That!

Trish said...

It's just the lid that came on the peanut butter jar. I glued an old dresser drawer knob to it and then spray painted the whole thing.

ShazBraz said...

LOVE those pb jars. I'm afraid I will be copying...

Jenni R. said...

Great ideas with the towels and jars! We have lots of both here. I especially like the label you used. Thanks for inspiration!

Mel the Belle said...

How Fun and Clever! You've been busy!!! :)

Mom24boys said...

Ohh, love them all. I have seen the dish towels but forgot I wanted to do that. Thanks for the reminder. I agree, it is so much better than a dish drainer. Hmmm, maybe I'll make several for Christmas gifts......

Miri said...

BRILLIANT! Oops, sorry to shout ;). I am just so excited. The little touches like the knobs and labels on the canisters are so fun. How did you attach the knobs to the lids? Do tell!

FrouFrouBritches said...

Oh my gosh! I love the jars into canisters! The knobs on the top make all the difference! Sooo cute!!! Love that! Also lovin' your dish drying cute towels! So smart!

Anonymous said...

The peanut butter jars look far better than I could have imagined, well done!

Anonymous said...

Where did you get the labels? I love these...can't wait to make soon.

Kori said...

I, too, love the lids on the peanut butter jars! Fabulous!

deb said...

hello trish!

good to hear from you. i am trying to do some blogging again. it is really hard to do when the weather is warm and we are sooooo busy with stuff.

anyways. i will do better.
my hubby says he enjoys reading it and it gives him insight into

you have been very crafty from what i can tell. great idea on the lids. i am focusing on my laundry room now and your jars would be so cute for different little things.

look forward to being a better blogger and keeping in touch too.


Christy said...

I love your creativity! The dish mats look like they would be great Christmas presents. Looks like mom24boys thought of it before I did... except she was going to make some. I was going to ask. ;)
Does that make me lazy???