Cloaked Box all-in-one gift wrapping

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Disclosure: I received a product sample. Opinions shared are mine.

If you’re constantly on the go like we are, chances are good that you don’t have a lot of time to wrap gifts. The Cloaked Box has the potential to change your gift-giving ways!

The Cloaked Box is a peel-and-stick gift wrap, complete with box and wrapping paper. It also includes tissue paper, a bow, and a card. You don’t need anything else — neither scissors nor tape. This is one of the smartest hacks I’ve seen!

(Photos from Cloaked Box website)

The wrapping is perfect for a gift of typical shirt box shape. You can find it in three sizes as well. Various paper patterns are available, but the donuts are my favorite!

The back to school season is already so hectic. Do yourself a favor and keep a couple of Cloaked Box options on hand for those days when you don’t have time to wrap a gift!

Check this out….


  1. I like the blue birthday wrapping. If I used the donut wrap for a present for my sister, well, she doesn’t want to be reminded of donuts…
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  2. I like the Infinite Rings Pattern in pink the most.

  3. Michele pineda says

    I like the Infinite Rings pattern. I would love this as I truly suck at gift wrapping lol. Years ago I used to work at the JCP catalog desk and they had gift wrapping it was the worst part of my job. Most of the time I would ask the customers if they wanted the paper to do it themselves as I just could not get it right!

  4. Darlene Carbajal says

    I like the Infinite Rings pattern!

  5. Melissa Storms says

    The Donuts Go Nuts pattern is really cute.

  6. I want to win for my cousin.

  7. Donuts Go Nuts

  8. Susan Christy says

    Donuts Go Nuts is so cute!

  9. Tari Lawson says

    I like the Infinite Rings pattern best.

  10. I would like to win this prize because I am usually all thumbs when it comes to wrapping gifts. This set makes it look oh so easy!

  11. Megan Wilson says

    Blue Birthday is my favorite!

  12. I am loving the Donuts Go Nuts pattern

  13. Antoinette M says

    I like Donuts Go Nuts.

  14. Laurie Nykaza says

    I like blue birthday my grandson would love his gift for his birthday in it.

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