Monday, August 2, 2010

Late Summer Fishing Lodge *Vignette*

I am linking up with Marty at a Stroll Thru Life ... for her weekly vignette showcase, Table Top Tuesday!I look forward to changing and re-decorating my foyer vignette, as often as possible! I try to stay within seasonal themes and colors. My newest theme is Late Summer Fishing Lodge. I was actually inspired a few months ago by cousins mountain cabin in Virginia that we visited for a cousins reunion. I wanted to mail them off a special package chock full of decor for their 4000 sq ft CABIN! And I fell in love with all the fun, kitchy treasures I found! The walking stick, to the right side of the tray, is actually a branch that my husband reclaimed from their property, stripped and cleaned up! I found the lodge canister at Home Goods, the camera is my Dad's that he purchased in Korea while he was there for the War (in the early 50's), vintage books from my collection and the lantern I have had for years.

The distressed tray and white crackled vase are from Joann's (I used them in my Beach Vignette), the wooden heart is from Goodwill (Feb purchase), the primitive pitcher is from Home Goods and the fishing basket is from Bealls Outlet.The basket was an estate sale find (details in the post under this one), bird house is from Home Goods and there is my hubby's beautiful walking stick!

Thanks for looking and leaving me your fabulous opinions!


  1. What a great idea and such a pretty vignette. I love the beach grass, the lantern and the fishining basket are all just fabulous together. Very different and so creative. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. That basket is so cute with the fish dangling on it....this vignette is so well done!~

  3. I think that it is wonderful that you have your dad's camera! I hope you have lots of his pictures too. I always like seeing tables and decor that mean something. Enjoy! Linda

  4. I love this theme all looks just wonderful together and how great to have your Daddy's camera that to me is just PRICELESS to say the least...Hope you have a GREAT week girl...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  5. You truly captured the theme, great textures in your display, too. Thanks for visiting and introducing me to your blog. Enjoyed reading it and getting to know you.

  6. What a wonderful and unique ideal!! Great job!! I love all the texture. That is a beautiful table you have your vignette on. Thanks for sharing and for visiting. Come by again soon.

  7. This is just charming! I like the feel and look of this entire tabletop! Isn' it fun to have a spot that you can redo over and over to try out new looks?!

    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Hi Rachel...

    Ohhhh...I just love your late Summer Fishing Lodge creative and you "pinned" the theme to a tee (and I might add...very beautifully!) I really do enjoy the "themed" vignettes...sometimes they are difficult to pull off without looking kind of cheesy...know what I mean? really have done this sooo well! The fishing/lodge feel is there and your accessories are sooo beautiful!!! I love the fishing creel...and I love how you added the tall grass to it...very pretty, my friend!!! And...I fell in love with your's fabulous! Love, love, LOVE your's creative, unique, and very tastefully done! BRAVO!!! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    I also wanted to thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my blue cottage veranda! I really enjoyed your visit and sweet note! Thank you, my friend!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  9. Great fishing lodge vignette! Now this is an unusual theme, very enjoyable! Nice job! I look forward to seeing your new themes as the seasons change, I hope you continue sharing with us!


  10. What a charming vignette! Well done! And the estate sale finds in the previous post were fab. Love the blue and white things and the white pitcher - too cute! Linda
