Showing posts with label leftovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leftovers. Show all posts



Oh I'm so excited!  Company's coming next weekend and I'm getting ready for them with leftovers!  You  might think that's not very nice of me, but I can explain.

Obviously I wouldn't feed my in-laws anything that's hiding in the fridge,  I'm preparing for my awesome guests with leftover JUNK, not food : ) 

I don't know about you, but I have a few items I really don't need anymore, but just can't seem to part with.  Take my wood dish drainer for instance.  The little devil was my constant companion for years and years at the kitchen sink.  When my very first dishwasher was recently installed I just couldn't part with the silly thing.

I couldn't bear to throw away the little straw purse I outgrew either.  Wouldn't you know it?  The drainer made a nice little shelf and the purse was the perfect size for my bird's nest plant I haven't killed yet!

Then there was this hunk of metal that I couldn't wait to get off the old washing machine, but couldn't bear to send to the junk yard.

(Sorry.  Just can't get enough of seeing what a difference a little tlc made in the life of Ms. Washer)

Anyway, I tried putting the pulley wheel in one of my gardens...

Blech.  It didn't really do anything for me.

The logical choice was to scrub and clear coat and bring it inside.

So I did.  I call it "Roses & Rust"

 And I like it!  (Even though in this picture it fairly resembles "Roses on a Waffle")

I also threw a few things together to beautify an empty corner.  The leftovers here include one of the bed springs and that beaded viny thingy I tried to shape into a wreath, but it wouldn't cooperate, so I gave up and hung it on the shelf pegs.

Okay then!  I have ONE CORNER in my entire house ready for company!
So tell me, what do you do with your leftovers??

I think I'll send this over to

New Friend Fridays

and see if I can't meet some new bloggy friends!

I think Donna might like that rusty waffle too:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special