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It was a dark and stormy night…

Okay, not really, but yesterday, it was cold and rainy, and my mood was cold and rainy to go with it. The summer is slowly slipping away, and I don’t like it! Boooo!

So, I needed something to cheer me up, and I came across this recipe for chocolate mug cake at babble.com, in the food section.  I have to say that this little cake hit the spot, and it only has three ingredients! Yay! (I love single serving dessert recipes!)

Chocolate Mug Cake

¼ cup powdered sugar

1 to 2 Tbsp cocoa powder

1 egg

Place all 3 ingredients in a mug and completely mix. Microwave for 30 to 50 seconds, depending how gooey you want your cake.  The trick is to not get the cake too well done, or you will find a little bit of white, cooked egg throughout.  The specks of egg will not effect the taste.

Top with a few chocolate chips right out of the microwave and a little whip cream.   Yummo!!!  Try adding 2 or 3 tablespoons of heavy whipping cream, for a bread pudding. De-lish!

This little cake is about 280 calories, without the toppings.  If you only use one tablespoon of cocoa, it’s about 230 calories. Not too bad.

I tried to make one using Splenda.  The Splenda gave the cake a slightly different texture. (Almost like a souffle, maybe?)  I think Splenda has a bitter aftertaste, so I only used 1 Tablespoon of cocoa.  It was okay for only being 115 calories.  I’m not a big fan of Splenda, I think it tastes like chemicals, but it works if you are in desperate need of something sweet, and are about ready to pull your hair out because your son just dumped a whole bag of shredded cheese on the floor. 😉

Anyway, try it sometime on a dark and stormy night! It will make your night!

Happy Tuesday! 🙂

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