A Lobster Roll for a Wedding

Agreeing to host the wedding at our house, the hubby told the bride to be she owed him a lobster roll and a beer! Not a bad tradeoff, so when the subject of where to have a dinner following the wedding was being discussed, he suggested (not too seriously) lobster rolls at the house. Bingo, the idea took on a life of its own.


Once more the lobster plates were pulled from the cabinet and put atop table runners and matching place mats that had just been purchased on eBay to replace my much used ones. Who knew they would come in handy so soon?

20110920-030726.jpg Heart rocks and mussel shells collected on various island explorations were arranged on the table.

Each place had a special glass as a memento for the guests, and flat rocks were transformed into place cards.

The table as is was perfect for a casual dinner, but since this was a most special occasion, flowers were added to dress it up. Three square glass containers filled with white flowers, greenery and fragrant herbs added just the right touch.

The finished table was a delight, warm and welcoming with hints of elegance and whimsy..

And, what about the lobster rolls?

They were served buffet style, along with cole slaw, corn on the cob and potato chips, from the kitchen

with a collection of favorite Maine cookbooks serving as the backdrop.
Were the lobster rolls a good idea? Judging from the crumbs that were left, I’d say yes!

Sharing at Tabletop Tuesday and Tablescape Thursday

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13 responses to “A Lobster Roll for a Wedding”

  1. This is such a cute table, and the food looks delicious. Loved this!

    Happy Tablescape Thursday on Sunday…



  2. I thought I was already a follower. Hmmmmm…I’m losing my mind here. Maybe I just need a lobster roll!

  3. I’m going to reveal what a sheltered life I have led: I have NEVER eaten a lobster roll. Not EVER! I don’t know why. I’m ashamed. If you could see me in person right now, you’d see that I am actually holding my head down in shame. 🙂 I will take a solemn vow right here, right now that if I am ever visiting the coast again (after the whole Savannah debacle I’m reluctant to set foot off of Missouri soil again!)that one of the first things I eat will be a fresh lobster roll…with cole slaw! You have my word on it! 🙂 The flowers are just beautiful, Linda! You did a magnificent job with those!!! I have some lobster plates, too, although mine aren’t nearly as big as yours appear to be. My lobsters don’t look as happy, either. Your lobsters look like they’re belly dancing. Mine are all stiff and stodgy like they’re having brandy & cigars in the drawing room or something! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!!!

    1. When you eat that lobster roll, just be sure it is made with fresh lobster meat. That’s a must for a really good one.

  4. What a delightful table…those lobster rolls are making me wish I were back in New England, right now! Can you tell me where you found the placemats? I have 3 and would love to find at least 1 more…a total of 6 would be great!

  5. Wow! Love lobsters or seafood, though am allergy.

    I do want to have those dishes. perfect for my kitchen colour too, §:-)

    Million thanks for dropping by.

    Happy TS & GB,

  6. Holy Lobster, I love it! What a fun theme!
    Thank you for popping by my place!
    Kerry at housetalkn.blogspot.com

  7. Yum! I have never had a lobstter roll, but I LOVE lobster! Your table looks so inviting. Love the lobster plates and S & P. I just purchased a few state glasses at a thrift store. One had a bird on it so I couldn’t resist. Your centerpiece is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats to the bride and groom. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. Love the centerpiece. The flowers are stunning and the lobster theme is fabulous. So different and I really like different. The food all looks amazing. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  9. Well, of course I loved this post. The black chairs, the adorable black and white table cloth with the red…and of course the MAINE cookbook…as Maine is our second home.

  10. Love the table setting. What was your source of the lobster rolls? We love Graffams….is there another source? Please do not tell me that you made them yourself!

    1. No place but Graffams when it comes to lobster rolls!

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