Monday, September 12, 2011

Craft! Jewelry Holder!

When we had family in town for the Boise game (they won!) we went to Park City one afternoon.  They had their Park Silly market/ street fair going on and we saw so many cute things!  Jewelry galore and such great ideas.  Both my sister in law and I saw things and thought "I wonder how I could make this."

And one of the things I saw was a jewelry holder.  I've needed one for a long time, I've seen tutorials, but seeing one in my hands and really seeing how it went together really got the ball rolling for me.  So on Labor Day, since I had the day off, I went to Hobby Lobby and got all the stuff I needed.

In hind sight I should have waited and collected things during the half off sale.  Because I really wanted to do so I bought some things full price and would have liked to have made it for less than I did.  I know I should have gone to Walmart for the wire mesh because its two dollars cheaper.  I should have waited for the frame to go half off.  I should have waited for other things - now I know.  But I have one now!

It went together pretty easy, minimal burning of the fingers which is always something to celebrate because I seriously have little feeling left in my fingertips from all the burns from that glue gun.

So I took pictures as I went, I realize this isn't the first tutorial out there on this but this is how I did it.

What you'll need:

  1. Scrapbook paper of your choice.
  2. Mod Podge
  3. Wire mesh
  4. Picture frame - mine's from the unfinished wood aisle.
  5. Knobs!  
  6. Ribbon
  7. Paint brushes
  8. Paint!

To begin:

I knew I'd need to paint whatever the scrapbook paper wouldn't cover, so I chose a metallic silver color.  After painting it on initially I realized I needed to make it darker - or I would have to do 8 coats.  So I mixed in some black.

So I painted the edges.

Then I had my husband help me drill holes where I'd want to attach the knobs and hang the ribbon.

Then I measured the size of the frame and cut out the scrapbook paper.  Then slathered on the mod podge!  

And then because I HATE bubbles, I waited for it to dry...

 So I threw a heavy book on there for a few hours.

Then it was time to attach the knobs.  I saw so many cute little knobs but the screws were either too long or it didn't quite fit right.  I found these knobs FINALLY after 20 minutes in the knob aisle.  They were $3.99 a piece which was more than I wanted to spend on them, but I was done and wanted to go home.

Then I measured the opening and cut out mesh to fit.  I hot glued the edges and waited for it to cool.

Then the last step was threading the ribbon.  After I measured how much I wanted I singed the edges so they wouldn't fray.


Then I went to the enormous task of detangling my clump of jewelry.  It took over an hour.  I nearly threw it across the room twice, claiming I'd just buy some more jewelry...only to pick it back up 5 minutes later, determined that it wasn't going to beat me!  

Then I found the needed brackets/ nails - by myself!  And hung the thing in my bedroom and put all the jewelry on there.  This might seem like a lot, but my Mom and little sister would call this a sad excuse.  

Finished product!  And I can't tell you how nice it is!  I've worn jewelry over this last week that I haven't worn in over two years because it was such a tangled mess.  This is such a nice change!  I can find stuff now!

Linking up:  See the "I Like to Party" link up top


  1. That is so beautiful. I love it! I'm a new follower from the More the Merrier blog hop. Please come by mine, if you get a chance.

  2. What a fabulous project. Got your link from homemaker on a dime
    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V

  3. I love this!! It turned out so cute!!

  4. This turned out great, love the addition of the knobs!


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