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Monday, August 22, 2011

Teatime Picnic~

A no-reason-to-hurry afternoon is such a treat. I hadn't made Corn Scones in a while so I thought it was the perfect day to bake up a batch and have a simple picnic tea outside. My daughter asked for Cream Scones last night so I made a batch of those as well....we'll eat them for breakfast the next couple of mornings with ripe strawberries. I love adding dried sweet cherries to the Corn Scones but did not have any in the cupboard today. No worries! You can use dried cranberries instead or go without.

Corn Cherry Scones~

Sift 2 cups all purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon each baking soda & salt, 1 tablespoon baking powder, 2/3 cup sugar (I used turbinado), and 1 and 1/2 cups medium grind cornmeal into food processor bowl.

Stir. Add 2 sticks unsalted butter cut into cubes.

Pulse half a dozen times. Butter pieces should be the size of small peas.

Place corn mixture into a bowl. Now is the time to add dried sweet cherries or cranberries. Mix. Make a well in the center of mixture.

Pour 1 cup buttermilk into the well. Mix briefly with a spoon. Dough will be stiff and sticky.

Let rest 5 minutes.  Shape into 2 and 1/4"  balls; place 2" apart on parchment lined cookie sheet. Preheat oven to 425 degrees, then turn to 375 degrees as soon as you place scones in the oven.

Bake for 12 minutes. Turn pan in oven, bake an additional 8-10 minutes. Do not overbake. Serves 13-15. Cool on rack.

Mmm....the kitchen smells divine! Now to make tea. Since I will be going outside for a solo unfancy teatime, I will be using an unconventional 'teacup'.  I am using my new Teazer Thermal Tea brewer by Liquid Solutions, which is unbreakable and keeps my tea warm for awhile. I found it at TJMax for $7.99. It is BPA free and stainless steel, and made by a company which is environmentally aware. I went back and bought several more because they are so convenient to use.

There is a removable stainless basket inside for your loose tea. Once the tea is steeped, remove the basket and discard leaves. Press sipping lid onto the Teazer, then screw on the outer lid to commute or travel outside. ~   

I grabbed a quilt, my big book of Shakespeare and some sketch books. I also brought out the scones.

I could smell the Basil growing in the standing planter behind me. Fragrant!

The tiered server is so handy. I painted it hunter green some time ago and attatched a silk leaf vine. Look who joined me....

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet are also having a Picnic Tea!

The scones were delicious with my tea. I read for a bit, then did some sketching while I listened to the sounds of the neighborhood...a bird, a distant train, the sound of the summer ice cream truck playing CampTown Races. ~lol~

Hope you have a wonderful week, as many head back to school~ Aha! Another excuse for a tea party.

This cup would look right at home with a picnic~ although I chose to use my Teazer today. It is by Crown Trent China Limited and is a sunny yellow with gardening motifs.

Here is the bottom~

The inside has a beautiful blue butterfly just under the rim~

Here is the opposite side of the cup. The handle has "Tea In The Garden" written down the length of it~

I am sharing this post with;

Wanda Lee~
Wanda Lee~
Lady Katherine~ 
Miss Spenser~


  1. The scones look delicious! Your solo teatime sounds so relaxing and happy.

  2. I am so going to crash your tea party one day!!!
    Thanks for the recipe, my 14 year old DD is the Scone master of our house. She is going to love giving this one a roll.

  3. I so wished I were your neighbor! Lovely setting and yummy scones. Thanks for the recipes...I just love scones.

  4. Making scones is one of my happy past-times... Thank you for this new recipe... Yummy ..I can't wait to try them...Hugs

  5. Your scone recipe sounds terrific! I love being able to sit and to enjoy an afternoon - I'll have to look for one of those Teazers! My daughter would love them - not too soon to start Christmas shopping - You remind me I need to get back to my artwork! Lovely, lovely post - thank you for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
    God Bless,

  6. oH my, looks totally inviting, can I come over and have some scones and read my book with my coffee?

  7. A wonderful teatime! Perfect for late summer. Scones are a must have! What a marvelous place for a relax and recoup. Thanks for sharing and for the visit!

  8. Fabulous tea time! I would love to stop by for a cup!
    Your tea mug is very pretty. I love the garden theme! Perfect for summer!

  9. What a nice place to sit and enjoy your tea and scones! I like you cup with the butterflies, bees and ladybugs! Three of my favorite "bugs."

    Hope you have a wonderful time relaxing and enjoying your tea time.

  10. Hi there my friend ... visiting via my other blog today. You had me at cherry ... these scones sound and look tres delish ... its getting cooler here too! But perfect for curling up with a cup of tea. Happy Tea Party Tuesday..xo HHL

    Falling Off A High Heeled Life

  11. WOW....these look amazing, I love a good scone recipe (no shock). Your cups are lovely and your blog so inviting and friendly. I appreciate your comments. Happy Tea Party Tuesday

  12. I love baking scones, and also love cornmeal, so these would be a hit ....will have to try them.

  13. Hello
    hmmm, that recipe sounds fantastic. You made a fabulous spot for a cozy teatime. Thank you for havng me for tea.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  14. Yum we love scones around here. I have never tried corn scones before but the recipe look so good. The the pooh box. If you have a little one the new movie is so cute.

  15. Oh my!

    What fabulously yummy corn scones ~ Yum!

    What darling Pooh box ornaments also.., Such charming and pretty photos of this weeks teatime tableaux ~ Love it all!

    Happy Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland!

    Please always feel most welcome to visit me. This week marks my 98th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two' and also the '69th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'.


    Hugs, Wanda Lee

  16. Now this looks like the perfect place to spend the day :)

  17. Yummmmmyyyy!! Those scones look pretty easy to make. Maybe when the kids get in school..I can try it out!! Love your new tea "Teazer" looks and sounds super handy. The yellow tea cup is pretty!! Just perfect for tea in the garden! Say hi to Pooh and Piglet for me ..and give them some hugs!!

  18. This is the perfect tea! I know scones are not easy to make, but you make it look doable and fun...I will have to try your recipe. Everything looks so pretty!! :-)

    Visiting from TTT. Love your blog!!


  19. Always love stopping by on Tuesdays! Your blog posts are always amazing! So nice of Pooh and Piglet to join you today! That yellow teacup is so pretty! I hope you had a wonderful, restful day!


  20. Lovely recipe and beautiful photos, Shawn! I love how you bring beauty into the simple routines of your day. Thanks for sharing :)

  21. What a great spot for tea! And the scones look so yummy!

  22. Oooo! Sounds like a "me" thing!!!!

  23. They look amazing and I think your tea party looks very inviting. What a lovely spot.

  24. Love the mug......thanks for stoppy by my blog. I,m one of your new followers! Lynn

  25. soon as we are done with the Magazine...i am so coming to the West Coast for Scones...Yaaay!

  26. Yummy! How wonderful it would be to pay you a visit!

  27. Lovely tea post! Never heard of corn writing this recipe down and will gice it a try soon!
    Happy tea,

  28. Oh my, your corn scones sound so good! You've shared a wonderful tea today. I do remember your Victorian Chintz china a few posts back and I loved them! Thanks for sharing and have a nice day.


  29. Can't wait to try these, yum your lone tea party sounded very relaxing, I'll join you next time x

  30. Will have to make hubby is from Illinois and LOVES anything with corn. Thanks for the recipe.
    Lady Linda

  31. Corn scones! Never heard of them but the sound yummy! I have a girlfriend who gave me a cornmeal cookie recipe and says it is awesome too! Will have to give both a try!

  32. Lots of great photos here and a very peaceful setting. We make a Lemon Cornmeal Biscotti and a Lemon Cookie with Lime Glaze (also with cornmeal--we serve it with Mango Sorbet). Have a great weekend ahead!

  33. Yum, it sounds like a wonderful way to spend your day!

  34. Thanks so much for dropping by and commenting on my post about dream homes. :o) It's nice to dream..isn't it?

    What a lovely post! I'm fascinated by the recipe. I'd never heard of using cornmeal in a scone recipe. Munching, tea, and sketching...sounds lovley..if you have the right weather for it--which we don't. We have the perfect location..and the weather has been over a 100 for 26 days now. No picnics for us yet, though we live in the woods.

    I adore Winnie the Pooh and enjoyed seeing him atop your display.

    A perfect tea!
    Donna @ Comin' Home

  35. Thank you for sharing your lovely day.
    Your blog is absolutely delightful!

  36. Lovely scones and post. I'm glad you are participating at Joy of Desserts. Please don't forget to add a link back. :-) Thanks!

  37. Some me/teatime sounds wonderful and those scones sound yummy! FYI for anyone looking for those Teasers cups I saw them at Joanns Fabrics Store also!


I'm so glad you visited and really appreciate your comments. I'll put a fire under the kettle and you choose which tea we'll steep~