She Sells Seashells…

Christmas time in Phoenix is always warm. The thought of heavy velvets and wools can get a bit stifling. I’ve been trying to think cool thoughts and work on projects with cool themes. You really can’t get any cooler than the seashore and Christmas.

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I dug through the fabric remnants I had on hand; antique ticking, vintage damask napkins and a bit of chambray and linen. The stocking pattern that I used was by Simplicity, 4784.

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The starfish and seashells received a tiny hole courtesy of a small bit on the Craftsman drill.  

Tip: Use a wooden cutting board designated for crafting purposes only and not for the preparation of food. 

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Each stocking was lined in muslin and then embellished with various shells.

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Here is a close up of each tiny stitch that holds the embellished shells in place. I may indeed have the patience of Job, or perhaps am as insane as Howard Hughes. 

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Look at the nubby texture of the linen on this stocking! It reminded me of sand.

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The antique piece of ticking has small dots of long ago rust. They were probably made by old metal bedsprings when the ticking was originally used as a feather mattress cover.

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I really adore the contrast of the white starfish against the dark chambray.

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All of the fabrics used were washed to oh so soft goodness.

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A few stitches were added on either side of the starfish to hold it in place. The smooth texture and sheen of the design on the vintage damask works well with the rough texture of the shells.

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I hope you feel a bit jolly after viewing the stockings.

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She indeed does sell seashells…you can find these stockings in my Etsy shop.


Linking To:

Centsational Girl

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