Elaine's Reviews > The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog

The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog by Elizabeth Peters
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It took me awhile to get through this one, due mainly to my library since I was halfway through it the first time around when it had to go back. Just as entertaining, exciting and refreshing as the other delightful books in this series, this latest adventure in the lives of Prof. and Mrs. Emerson will keep you turning the pages till the final shocking conclusion.

With danger seemingly dogging their heels as soon as they land in Egypt, Amelia and Emerson are caught in an odd position of expecting an attack, yet being totally unprepared for it when it does arrive. Having just returned from a trip to a mysterious Lost Oasis, the motive behind the attack is easily deduced. It's the resulting effects of it that prove the most distressing; Emerson has lost his memory. Determined to protect the oasis and regain her husband's love, Amelia returns to that enchanted spot where once before Emerson had first loved her. The attempt to jog his memory isn't her only concern however; foes lurk around every corner and news from home is equally distressing. But still, deep down, the hardest trial to bear is Emerson himself.

This past winter, my husband and I had had long entertaining discussions and reenactments based around the question of what would we do if either of us lost our memory? We concluded that we would probably traumatize each other. But this book offers a wonderful fictional example of what one woman did when faced with that terrible possibility-turned-reality. Quite a thought-provoking story all in all.

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Quotes Elaine Liked

Elizabeth Peters
“It is much more sensible to be an optimist instead of a pessimist, for if one is doomed to disappointment, why experience it in advance?”
Elizabeth Peters, The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog

Elizabeth Peters
“Men are so easy to manipulate, poor things.”
Elizabeth Peters, The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog
tags: humor, men

Elizabeth Peters
“It was a needless precaution, I felt sure, but men always enjoy marching around with weapons and flexing their figurative muscles, and I saw no reason to deny them this harmless exercise.”
Elizabeth Peters, The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog

Reading Progress

August 1, 2013 – Started Reading
August 1, 2013 – Shelved
August 2, 2013 –
page 235
August 3, 2013 – Finished Reading

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