Friday, July 9, 2010

Master Bedroom & Office Nook....finished!!

*For those of you who only come to see posts about my girls...I'm sorry, this will be of no interest to you ( it's fun for me!

Alright, on to the next room I have finally finished (for the most part..), our master bedroom. Our room, like most rooms in old houses, does not have a bathroom in it and it has a teeny, tiny closet that was serving little to no purpose.

Here is the before picture of the closet.

A friend of mine came over and she had the genius idea to turn the closet into an office nook with a desk for our laptop and somewhere to put our t.v. (it was sitting on a tv tray up until this point) Sooooooo, I was on the hunt for a desk and I came across this baby at our local thrift store for only $25 (with the chair included!!) I loved it and knew it had lots of potential. We still needed a little more storage for some of Russell's clothes, so when we were in Texas visiting his family, his grandma gave us this tall chest of drawers and it fit was meant to be:)

This is what the furniture looked like before it got some much needed paint...
And after....aahhhhh, don't you LOVE it?? I painted both pieces black then lightly sanded them to give them that perfect "antiquey" look. For the desk, I modge podged some scrapbook paper on the top and front of the drawers. I put a little distressing ink on the corners to add a little something extra.
I already had these shelves and the accessiories are pretty much all from the clearance section at TJ Maxx or Hobby Lobby.

The chair fabric is the same as the curtains in our room.

The knobs are from hobby lobby and the pulls were laying around from another piece of furniture I had.

And this is the view from the "office nook". Russell's mom and dad, once again, were a huge help with this room! When they came to visit a few months ago, they helped us construct the headboard (which, by the way, only cost us about $50 for materials and fabric!)and his mom, Gail, helped me pick out the fabric (and she was very patient through all my indecisiveness....thanks:) ) The bedding is from West Elm, the lamps from KMart, and nightstands from David and Gail. (oh and don't look too closely at those little decorative pillows, they aren't really sewn yet, that's on my to-do list.)
The middle frame has a poem that written for our wedding by my sweet friend, Amy Ryburn.

The fabric for the curtains is from Hobby Lobby and a big, huge thank you to Layne's mom, Gayle, for teaching me how to sew and line these!!
Russell's side of the bed.(if you look closely, you can see our protection from intruders...)

That's right, an old baseball bat. Shannon, do you recognize those initials? That would be your hubby:) Thanks Derek for keeping us safe at night!

Before picture...view from the door.
After picture...view from the door.

Thanks for taking the tour with me! (up next...Marissa's room!!!)

I'm linking this up to one of my favorite blogs....I made it without my hubby (just with some help from my in-laws!)

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up    party!


Amber said...

So if and when Scott and I ever move, will you help me decorate all of my rooms?!?! I'm so impressed by all of your creative ideas and the fact that you do them all by yourself (mostly)! And, do you follow the How Does She blog? If you don't, you should - you'd love it!

LaKeta said...

Your office nook turned out darling...and you did a fantastic job on your master bedroom....visiting from s2s...

have a great weekend~


The Pennington Point said...

It looks really cute. It's nice to work in a pretty, organized space. Good job! Lisa~

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

Oh my gosh! Your little nook turned out perfect! That desk is to-die-for! The whole room is so cute!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

That closet is sooooo cool! I can't believe the difference when all the pieces went the same colour. Unreal. And I just love the two tones you added to the desk area. My gosh... you must love it!


Emily @ Finding My Aloha said...

This is just brilliant! I actually planned to do this at my mother in law's. I am emailing her a link to this so she can visualize! Thanks! It looks so great!

Coleen's Corner said...

What an awesome area you have created! I love the desk the most.

emmalina.lolly said...

This is a really great idea! What a great use of space. I'm new to all of this crafty fun stuff and was just wondering how you ModPodge to get the paper on so smoothly. I have a similar desk I'd like to update but have no idea how to get it to work!

The Autocrat: Haley said...

Office nook looks fabulous!! Oh how I love that fabric from HL!! Great job on everything!!

Jen T said...
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Jen T said...

Ok, seriously, you knocked that one out of the park (ode to the baseball bat)!! The furniture is perfect and the way you refinished that desk is so's beautiful. I love the arrangement and your bed looks great. You definitely have a flair. Way to go! (I had a typo and had to redo it...I hate it when I typo!)

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring and creative! What is the paint color of the nook's walls? It's very complimentary.

shannonmichaelis said...

Girlfriend, you had me at the awesome nook, and then you throw in the wooden DM bat to top it off. I LOVE it, and so glad that Big D could help you guys out at night in case an intruder comes in. :-) Love that desk - modpodge is the way to go. Love all the black - as you know I am a fave of the same look. Excellent use of the area that no one would use! Looks so much better...

Anonymous said...

how come there's no pictures of my granddaughters?????