Tarissa's Reviews > Elsie and Her Namesakes: Book 28

Elsie and Her Namesakes by Martha Finley
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it was amazing

Facts aside about how time has flown since I first started reading these books when I was just barely a teenager... this series is amazing, God-honoring -- and few other books can compare. The Elsie Dinsmore books are timeless classics (in my humble opinion, anyways). The simplicity of the stories can sometimes be overlooked, but I always found good morals, Christian people who strove to honor God in all they do, and Bible verses that would reel in my head for days or even years.

By book 15, I do feel that the series took a different turn, perhaps the author was grasping at straws to add content to her books -- so she decided to start having the characters talk back and forth about historical events, battles, etc. Mostly, I feel that this is just "filler" for the stories, and many readers will find the textbook-like reading in those chapters to become tiresome. Nonetheless, I'm so glad that I stuck it out to the end, for the whole Dinsmore/Travilla family continues to grow in your heart always.

I recommend these books specifically to young ladies of about 13 and up, although anyone could enjoy them. I remember my grandpa saying that his mother would read these books to all her children, boys and girls.

The Elsie Dinsmore books are treasures and I consider them to be heirloom worthy. I look forward to sharing these books with my own children one day.

And now... I can finally say to the world... I have finished reading the Elsie Dinsmore series. (It only took me about 10 years.)
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November 20, 2015 – Shelved
Started Reading
November 21, 2015 – Finished Reading

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