Friday, June 24, 2011

A Sweet Gift Topper

I sent a gift to a baby shower tonight and wanted to add a cute topper to the box.  I know gift bags are easy, but I still prefer wrapping gifts in boxes and paper and adding something nice to the bow.

Can you guess what this lollipop really is?

Give up?  It's two baby washcloths rolled together and.....

...a baby spoon!  All tied up with cellophane wrap and added to the top of the gifts.

So easy.  So cute.  So cheap.

I first saw this idea here.
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  1. I guessed two washcloths but didn't see the spoon! :)

  2. Your lollipop turned out great! So cute, so functional! Thanks for letting me know that you made them!
    -Sarah from Create Studio

  3. So totally cute!!!

  4. so lovely, it's great idea !
