Couch Cushions: Frumpy to Fab

We have a pair of twin couches that are over 10 years old and have been looking pretty frumpy for a while now.


See what I mean?  Lumpy, bumpy back cushions.  Ugghh.  When we bought these years ago, the back cushions were just stuffed with, well, stuffing.  No foam cushion and no structure.  I ended up removing half of the stuffing and inserting some foam from my old couch to shape them up.

Flash forward a decade and the fluffy stuffing turned lumpy.  Time for a quick and easy fix.  First, I pulled everything out of each cushion and found a lot of matted stuffing that I was ready to trash right away until I realized how easy it is to un-mat it.

I was so surprised to see how just a few tugs on the matted masses turned them nice and fluffy.  It really is as simple as stretching and pulling in different directions.  Kind of relaxing even.  Next, I laid out some quilt batting and placed my foam cushion on one end and added fluffed up stuffing to one side…

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…flipped it over (after covering that side with batting) and repeated it on the other side.  I even added fluff to the top, thin side of the cushion.  When all of that was done, it looked like this:

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At this point, I tried a trick that I saw years ago on some HGTV show:  I cut a slit in a garbage bag to make it easier to slide into the cushion cover.  I could have used a larger bag, but this worked just fine:


As soon as the cushion was in, I just pulled the plastic out.  It was way easier than I thought I would be.  After that, I just shoved in handfuls of fluffed up stuffing in all of the edges, making sure to stay between the layers of quilt batting to avoid a lumpy look.

Voila!  So much better, don’t you think?

It almost seems like we got new couches, but of course, we didn’t.  This was way cheaper, too.  Less than $20 for enough batting for 2 couches after using my JoAnn’s coupon.


I’m thinking we can get another decade out of these couches now.

How are your couches looking?  Is it time to smooth them out or fluff their stuff?  My advice is to go for it.  I think you’ll be glad you did.



*********Linking up to these awesome parties*********









10 thoughts on “Couch Cushions: Frumpy to Fab

  1. NO WAY!!! Jeff and I were just saying that our cushions were looking pretty sad. (I sleep on the couch a lot – I am campaigning for a new mattress) (Jeff believes one mattress per lifetime is fine) but I digress….
    So I am going to give this a shot. I would rather have a new big chair & ottoman to fill the empty space in the parlor than new couches. Actually, I want both…but one battle at a time.

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