June 4, 2011

You are the apple of my eye!

After much chatter and much more ado.....I introduce these gals back into the blogosphere! They got a few new coats of Rustoleum's "Heritage White" and a splash of apple green oddly named "Dill Pickle" from Benjamin Moore. The wallpaper was a special order from Benjamin Moore, it was a bit expensive ($30) and I have a lot left over so expect to see more of it :)

And here is the buffet in his new nook, finally the view to the familyroom is impeded a bit! Open concept is awesome when your kids are small but as they start to grow and blot out the light, well.......they lose their appeal....lol

Here is my niece and partner in this painting crime, Maya. She rocked this out with me. She dares to try....just like her Auntie. We're a good team.

What the corner looked like before. Don't hate me for my bad IKEA and my husband's "working outside flip flops".....

hey, we take care of the important things around here.......

The OWL is for all those bloggers addicted to them. I bought "Frederick" as Maya calls him for 50 cents at a yard sale this morning on the way back with the kids from a charity pancake breakfast. Spraypaint and away he goes.....right to centre stage. He is turquoise for Sunny at Life in Rehab and Pam at Becolorful....cause I promised some damn turquoise! Muah!

So what do you think?


and AFTER:


AFTER....ma lovely.......who made it to the big time y'all!


  1. Jana Bo Bana6/04/2011

    ooooohhhhhhh purdy :)

  2. hello fellow sagittarian, from prince edward island canada. i just saw your comment on mermaid gallery, thought i would say hey. i grew up in ontario, so it got me curious.
    brilliant cabinet btw. im a huge fan of taking blah furniture and making it fabulous.
    have a great week

  3. Hey! so this is what you've been up to...... LOVE IT! the green and white are so fresh together. whoda thunk those cabinets would turn out so pretty?!

  4. Love this project. I'll be featuring this on my blog @ littlekatieontheprairie.blogspot.com this thursday! P.S. I'm from Ontario too! I lived in the Windsor area!
    Thanks for sharing, Katie

  5. Great job! Both cabinets look so good!...Christine

  6. Uber-cool. Dill pickle just speaks to me. That buffet piece was stellar in the picture right after you painted it but full of booze? Well, I'm digging out my passport and should be there by Friday. :P
    Love it. Love you.

  7. Anonymous6/06/2011

    Awesome!!! I love that colour green, and i can't wait to see more of it. Looking good maya!!!

  8. It all looks great, the colours are wonderful!

  9. I love the pattern at the back of the shelves and the paint on the shelves themselves! Your furniture pieces came out so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Love the makeover and LOVE the green!!!!

  11. Wow! I looooooove them! The green is really great and it's so crazy how some paint and imagination can make a older piece totally shine! :) xo

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog (Wanted: One Hobby Farm). I LOVE all your before and afters- especially the owl!!

  13. oh how i love thee! let me count the ways... i love thee for the lovely spring green interior, i love thee for the sleek modern shape...

  14. Very Cool! Love what you did with those pieces :)

  15. Those cabinets look fantastic. I just found your blog...I'll be back!

  16. BEAUTIFUL! I'm quite impressed. I have no eye for those sorts of things!

  17. Lovely transformation! Hi. I am a new follower. Stopping by to invite you to join Thrifty Thursday, because your blog is adorable. Have a wonderful day. Blessings!

  18. oh, MAN! i want! they look fabulous!

  19. Great job! I love the colours.

  20. Fabulous, they look great!

  21. Anonymous6/11/2011

    So inspiring! Great job! ♥

  22. I love it! I also just bought an entire roll of wallpaper for the back of a cabinet. Can't wait to see what you do with your leftovers.

  23. Love the pieces, the transformation and your selection of beverages. I am now following you:)!

  24. Love this! You never cease to amaze, Dharma!

  25. Gosh I love this piece of furniture so much after you redid it. What a great bar it makes. And I love the owl too...it is so shiny...does not look like spray paint. Thanks so much for linking up to Mod Mix Monday!

  26. I featured this on Mod Mix Monday!

  27. So I came back to this post because after I saw it I ironically had a piece of furniture given to me that is close to the same. The inside of the china cabinet is actually already painted an olive green. Not sure what to do with it yet but this is very inspiring, so much so I'm going to pin it to a board in pinterest. :)

  28. Hey Retro - cool to get a new mod piece to play with! thanks for thinking I am *inspiring* :)

  29. Honey, you deeeeeeeeeeeeeserved this honor! What a cool makeover! I'll be over for cosmos in an hour.

  30. Wow--great transformations--they look so much better and practical!


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