The Reason We Call Him Tsunami

Tsunami The InnocentIs Tsunami Aptly Named?
You Be The Judge!

Last night, as I drifted off to la-la land, I was awakened by the sounds of a LOUD CRASH BOOM!

Normally I would investigate but I was too tired to move. I told myself it was the neighbors. I went back to sleep.

Today, I was greeted by a wide-eyed cherub. He followed me with all of the innocence he could feign. This should have tipped me off to the fact that I would soon come face to face with a disaster of cyclonic proportions.

Tsunami's RunwayTsunami’s Nesting Spot & Runway

I headed off to The Paper Palace to start my day. One of Tsunami’s favorite nesting spots is on top of the white cabinets that harbor my crafty flower garden. He loves to lounge there and weave in and out of the blinds.

Tsunami has a unique way of travelling to this space. He does not walk over to the cabinets and jump on top of them, like an ordinary cat. Instead, he races from the living room through the halls to The Paper Palace, where he tears across my desk, full throttle, then launches off of the keyboard tray with all of his weight and flies to his chosen spot.

The Launch PadThe Launch Pad

Usually, he does this when I am around. When I hear him coming, I race to move things out of his path, and I brace my knee against the keyboard tray to fortify it against his weight. Last night, however, I fell asleep during sentry duty.

As a result, the weight of Tsunami launching off of my keyboard tray finally broke it – causing it to crash to the floor, along with my keyboard, mouse, and a number of assorted items!

The Scene Before Tsunami Tore ThroughThe Scene Before Tsunami Tore Through

So today, instead of crafting, I am performing disaster recovery. Instead of card-making, I am fortifying the Paper Palace against CAT-ASTROPHES!

Is it any wonder we named this cat Tsunami!

Have a wonderful WOYWW and Wordless/Wordy Wednesday, dear friends!

Shared With:

Alphabe Thursday – Letter C
Debbiedoos Pet Party
Finer Things Friday
Furry First Fridays
Saturday Sampling
Sundays In My City

87 Responses to “The Reason We Call Him Tsunami”

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  1. Neet says:

    First of all what a wonderful craft room you have. Thanks for the peek. Secondly, how could you not love him? He is so adorable and let's be honest, he does give you a chuckle now and then.
    I know you love him and would not be without him but I guess this morning …..
    Give the aptly named Tsunami a cuddle from me #14

  2. Bleubeard and Elizabeth says:

    What a fun tale (or tail). Sorry you had to perform disaster recovery duty today. I fear this will not be the last time, though. Happy WOYWW from # 6 this week.

  3. Cathy says:

    Had to laugh (sorry!!!) at Tsunami'a antics! Crafting and cats doesn't really go does it!!! Mine is behaving herself at the moment …!!
    happy Wednesday,
    Cathy xx

  4. jude says:

    You made me laugh with the CAT-ASTROPHES!very good.Yes you love him to bits and wouldnt be without him!Im sure things will get sorted this am and your friendly foe is sorry.Have Fab forgiving Woyww 100
    #hugs judex 28

  5. Sarpreet says:

    o dear, beautiful workspace as at least the tops look clearer!Thank you for sharing your workspace, Happy WOYWW 100, Wow! Has it really been 100 weeks! (#3)

  6. Sunshine Girl says:

    Bless him – looks like you have a busy day ahead of you! hope it doesnt take too long and you get to have a crafty play too! Sunshine Girl No. 32

  7. Penni says:

    Don't you just love em though!!!!

    My two like to play chase at full speed straight from the bathroom, down the landing and into our bedroom, launching themselves onto the bed – Hubby says he might invest in the cricket box LOL!!!!

    Have a great day mending the keyboard tray.


  8. catsynth says:

    Wow, he definitely is a force of nature 🙂

    Fortunately, we haven't had too many mishaps here (at least with Luna).

  9. Helen says:

    I think all the cat puns are taken, so I will just say, I had to laugh at your story. (see, I didn't reuse tail…) Hope you get your great space back to normal soon!

  10. Sid says:

    Very tidy !!

  11. ayra k says:

    Hahaha, very aptly named cat.

    I doubt any cats ever moves in the way we want them to. I've only had mine for four years and she was street cat to boot. I'm thankful each day that nothing further is broken in the house. XD

    Happy WOYWW 100!

  12. Mountain Witch says:

    Look at that precious face.. How could you ever get upset with him? 🙂 – PS – Your craft room is awesome! 🙂

  13. sasa says:

    Action hero cat in the making… great studio!

    Thanks for sharing your space,

    Sarah at 4

  14. Spanish Pinay says:

    Tsunami is adorable! I'm following from welcome wednesday blog hop. I hope you can follow back too! 🙂 Thanks.

  15. Chris @ the cat/dog log says:

    Oh dear, Tsunami really did it this time. Our Lola is much the same – We have a window shelf for the 2 cats and she loves to launch from it to get up to the top of the bookshelf. It sounds like the house is coming down when she does it.

  16. Karen and Gerard says:

    What a great name for your cat! Definitely fits. I am happy my keyboard is on a little piece that I can roll under the desk when I'm not using it for this very reason!

  17. Ali says:

    Hee! CAT-astrophe indeed! Good job he's so cute, eh? 😀

    Thanks for sharing your (partly demolished) workdesk. 🙂

    Ali #41

  18. Kathleen says:

    A really apt name for your cat 🙂 and an entertaining story although not much fun for you having to put things right.
    Kathleen x

  19. Ash says:

    Loved reading this! Sounds like you couldn't have picked a better name! 🙂

  20. Jan says:

    Great space and I love Tsunami!

  21. Lori says:

    That would be a great name!

  22. dogsmom says:

    Now, just because you have seen him do this in the past is not 100% proof that poor, sweet, innocent Tsunami is to blame. Perhaps he was protecting you from some evil invader or unseen (to humans) force that waited for you to fall asleep. Look at that face. How can you find a trace of mayhem and mischief in that gorgeous face?
    (They are so good at hiding it aren't they?)

  23. says:

    Aw…I love Tsunami!!! What a sweet cat even if he is mayhem!!! Gotta love the personalities of cats—they each have their own, that is for sure!!! Stopping over from Java's–great to find you!!!

  24. At Home With Michelle says:

    So Cute:)I am following you now from the Welcome Wednesday blog hop:) Hope you will check out my blog too and follow along:)

  25. Uyen says:

    I totally pictured the whole thing unfolding. Poor Tsunami…he must have been so afraid that he was going to get in trouble. But he's only a "baby"…mom!

  26. Michelle says:

    Oh Tsunami!! Yes, probably well named! Hope you are able to get back to your crafting soon!

  27. Karla says:

    Tech Ed 4 Kids joining you for the Wednesday Blog Hop!

  28. Sassylassy says:

    Ha Ha that's great! I love your cat and what an awesome name. Your Paper Palace is gorgeous I love every square inch of it. Can I come over and tear across your desk of course stopping now and then to drool over your goodies?
    Hugs Bonnie

  29. Nikki says:

    First of all, I'm so jealous of your palace space. It is amazing! I wish I had room for that! And second, adorable cat and yes, aptly named, clearly. lol

  30. Elizabeth says:

    Afternoon, Tsunami is just too cute for words but you do have my sympathy. The Boss does something similar – she jumps up on my keyboard, on her way to the windowsill and all because she has heard the birds tweeting away outside my window. The trouble is I never hear her coming so, although the whole episode is over in a matter of seconds, I take a tad longer to recover from the shock! Lovely craft room by the way – hope your day isn't entirely wasted repairing the damage. Elizabeth x #38

  31. ⚜ ↁℯℬℬᴵℰ⚜ says:

    What a personality, and yes the name fits. Thanks so much for joining my pet party. WOuld love if you added my link too:) have fun!

  32. Russ says:

    Sometimes it is hard to love them. Then they give you that who me look. My granddaughters cat is constantly biting me. But everyday I still pet her. Now I know when to stop.

  33. Krista says:

    What a nut! It always surprises me when people say "cats are boring." Yeah, right! Some days I'd kill to have them boring!

  34. JoZart says:

    That must have been cat-astrophic but we know you love this aptly named feline really! Great story… you'll have to get a micro chip on him that bleeps when he strays in forbidden areas!
    Great workspace BTW!
    JoZarty x

  35. Stacy Uncorked says:

    "CAT-ASTROPHES" – I love it! It's amazing how much trouble one beautiful little kitty can cause, isn't it? 😉

    WW: Dragon Princess

  36. Marlene says:

    I LOVE his name! Obviously it suits him well! LOL!

  37. Julia Dunnit says:

    All the better that you did ignore the noise – he might take it for congratulation!! And also, hey, what can you do at bedtime that you couldn't do this morning, huh!

  38. Angie says:

    Very aptly named …our latest rescued cat Toto looks like Tsunami …and cannot jump on to things like a normal cat …jumps more like a dog. The elevation is there but either his back legs miss the target or he goes all wobbly on landing …result is what ever was in the spot originally ends up on the floor.I have lost 3 mugs of coffee so far…and the mugs lost their lives as a result.

  39. Sparkly Engineer says:

    How funny. Possibly you should contact FIMA?

  40. Sandy says:

    Although all these years I've worried about my cat Rikki not being able to deal with heights, after reading what your Tsunami does.. well I love that Rikki will not climb up on
    Love the name of your pet.. it fits!
    Hope you fixed the keyboard tray and the mess..
    Rikki had fun at Lucy's party too!

  41. A Helicopter Mom says:

    Hahaha! I love it. Cats are awesome. 🙂

    Hope you're haveing a great week!

    A Helicopter Mom

  42. Jo says:

    Now,that is one crazy,wild cat,I think the name is very appropriate.

  43. Heather says:

    Hi. I am your newest follower via GFC. I found you on the Blog Hop. I would love if you would stop by my blog and check out my newest post on the horrific Alabama Tornado Disaster that happened in my home town. It goes into detail about what happened and how we can all HELP by giving back. PLEASE check this out at

    God Bless!

    Heather H.
    The Price Crusher

  44. Jessie @ MomVantage says:

    Your cat is adorable!! My cat is a crazy acrobat too! It is fun to watch 🙂

  45. kim says:

    He is so adorable! How can you hate such a beautiful cat? lol!

    hope you can visit MINE..

  46. Betty (picture circa 1951) says:

    We have our fair share of CAT-astrophies, so I can relate. Last night I was in bed when I heard something too. It sounded like a cat getting sick. I looked and she seemed fine after a couple of minutes, so I went back to bed. This morning I almost stepped in it. Oh, the constant joy of cat ownership. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Your cat is adorable. Love the picture.

  47. Personalized Sketches and Sentiments says:

    haha!!! So cute! Well…it sounds like you are well prepared for when Your Tsunami hits!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  48. Sparkle says:

    Wow, I think Tsunami is my new hero!

  49. JDaniel4's Mom says:

    He looks like a cat full of adventure. He leaves mess in his wake just like just like JDaniel does.

  50. karen says:

    Hee hee, this is such a cute story … well, except for the breakage of course … and makes me appreciate that I have dogs and they do not walk on the shelves! Although, they do seem to think that anything that falls to the ground is for them to eat!
    Happy WOYWW!
    xoxo Karen #55

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