DIY: Simple & Sweet Owl Pillows



Remember when I mentioned the craft show I helped a friend with? (You can find some of the other crafts I made, here) Well, these Owls are some other great crafts I made for the show! Aren’t they adorable?!

I have to admit, these are super easy…

So I actually didn’t measure or trace anything? I “eye-balled” most of it. OOPS! I’ll give you instructions and then show you where you can find a pattern.  Here we go!

DIY: Simple & Sweet Owl Pillows

Materials Needed per Owl:

Approximately 1/2 yd of fabric

scrap of plain white fabric

scrap of plain black fabric

scrap of orange fabric

General stuffing

yellow thread

glue gun/ glue sticks

sewing machine


marker or pen


1. First assemble the eyes and noses.

For the noses I just simply cut out large skinny triangles.

The eyes were probably the most “involved” of the entire project. First, I cut out the whites and blacks of the eyes out. Then I took the whites, and followed the seam very closely on my machine. I used a simple ZIG ZAG stitch with a medium tension, and medium size stitch. I liked how wonky and clumsy the stitch looked because it added character. In other words, don’t stress about it!! The crazier it looks, the cuter the Owl. Then I glued the black to the white, and set them aside.


2. Next I folded the body fabric in half and drew out my owl shape. Be sure to give yourself some wiggle room for the seam. Cut both sides at the same time, about an inch out from the line.

If you are uncomfortable with this, this blogger used the same shape as I did.. Here you can see her pattern to trace.

Button Bird Designs

3. Once I had the two pieces cut: I used a single stitch and followed my line, sewing the owl inside out. DO NOT SEW COMPLETELY SHUT. I left the bottom of my Owl open so that I could stuff, and stitch while having forgiveness of a seam.

4. After I was done with step 3, I turned the owl right side out and stuffed it. I pushed all the stuffing towards the top, but also filled it pretty well. (the more stuffing, the firmer the pillow will stand)

5. With the stuffing pushed towards the front of the owl, I stitched the bottom shut.

6. Next you will want to roll the pillow on a flat service with your hands and push the stuffing around until it is where it should be. Make sure you work out any empty spots, or lumps.

7. Next I glued on the nose, followed by the eyes.

8. Step back and admire your adorable creation!!




Aren’t they so sweet! I was so excited about these!

If you would like to see more of what crafts were displayed at the show, head on over to my dear friend Mandy’s page:


Happy Crafting!!!





If you are like some of my friends and can’t craft without gluing their fingers shut, or just simply don’t have a creative bone (or time). Let me know.. I’d be happy to take orders! Just click the link below!

place order


45 thoughts on “DIY: Simple & Sweet Owl Pillows

  1. Crochet Hooks says:

    too cute! love these owl pillows and appreciate the step by step! Great way to use up some of your scraps as well, making each unique! Thanks for sharing with Snickerdoodle Sunday!


    • creatively homespun says:

      Thanks!!! I think my greatest struggle as a new blogger is that I tend to “eyeball” everything! Recipes, crafts, etc… So when it comes to sharing it, I need to have measurements!! OOPS!

      I’m working on it! 😉


  2. Amberjane says:

    I love these owls – I plan on making one for my eldest – Thanks for linking up to Pin Worthy Wednesday, I have pinned your post to the Pin Worthy Wednesday Pinterest Board.


  3. ashandcrafts says:

    Hi there! Visiting from Wake Up Wednesday. These are so adorable! I really love that you sell these but also provide instructions for DIY. That’s really nice of you!


  4. Angel says:

    These are just adorable. Too cute. I want to make one for my little man too.
    Thanks for sharing your project with us at Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party.


  5. jillinamillion says:

    Hi there
    Just stopped by to let you know that I featured this on my Round Tuit post this week!
    A Round Tuit 253
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


  6. Pingback: Tips and Tricks 11
  7. Katherine says:

    I’ve made several of these for our Girl Scout holiday bazaar and craft fairs. I, of course, made my own modifications and LOVE how they turned out. I’ve sold several for our fundraiser and have several more planned- Christmas and patriotic themed versions.

    Liked by 1 person

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