ChocoNana Pancakes

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain.  My sleepy son was between his father and I, warm and snuggly.  My less sleepy daughter was at our feet, cuddling with the dog.  Big warm snuggly bed full of people and then it hit me that it was RAINING outside.  It was NOT supposed to start raining this early. I sat my stiff and creaky body up, still aching from the hours of painting the deck yesterday and sighed heavily at the reality that much of that time may have been wasted.  I like wasted time even less than I like wasted food, if that’s possible.  I snuggled in again to think about what kind of breakfast would take the Grrrr out of my personal emotional calculus.  When it comes down to it, there are lots of foods that can help us with ailments (like this great soup for colds), or improve our moods (like cashews and bananas), but for me nothing works better at getting rid of the Grrrr than chocolate.  Am I right, or am I right?  There was only one solution to this realization of wasted time and needlessly sore muscles, warm, comforting chocolately goodness.  It being the weekend and having failed to fulfill my pancake duties on Saturday, there was only one direction this could all go….  and so my daughter and I (she was done with snuggling and ready to chat) give you: ChocoNana Pancakes.  Yum.  For reals.  In honor of October Unprocessed, I have finally kicked all of the All Purpose flour out of my pancake recipe.  You’re welcome. If you’d like to make gluten free pancakes, try subbing out buckwheat for the flour, or follow Big Sis’s gluten free pancake recipe and throw in a little cocoa.

ChocoNana Pancakes

  • 2 c whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 c wheat germ
  • 1/2 c white whole wheat flour
  • 4-5 T cocoa powder (we used five and it was a deep dark choco flavor)
  • 4 t baking powder
  • 1.5 t baking soda
  • 1.5 t salt
  • 3 eggs (I used flax)
  • 3 T oil (I used safflower)
  • 2 extremely ripe bananas
  • 2.5 cups milk (I used almond milk)

If you can heat your pans ahead of time (with an oven timer), do that (here’s why).  If not, put them in the oven before you do anything and set the heat to 325 or so.   If you’re mixing flax eggs and didn’t do it the night before, do it now before you do everything else.   Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.  Mash bananas in a smaller bowl.  Mix oil into the bananas or one of the other wet ingredients.  Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir until you don’t see any more dry flour or flour clumps.  Let the batter rest for at least 10 minutes.  Pour batter into pans using a 1/4 c measure.  If you’re really feeling decadent, add a few chocolate chips to them while they cook (my kids like to SEE what’s in them, so I don’t mix into the batter), and if you’re like me and you desire a little texture in your life, throw some nuts in too (I used pecans). Wait for bubbles and relatively dry edges, then flip. Cook a minute or two longer and serve piping hot.  The kids had their first with syrup and then switched to strawberry jam (which is great with chocolate, by the way).  I enjoyed mine with a little bit of coconut butter and a splash of syrup. Delish, a great way to handle a runny rustic red deck.

For more chocolatey goodness, try chocolate cherry bombdies.

This recipe was featured on

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84 responses

  1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…. you are a genius! So delighted to be able to bask in the light of your clearly-DNA-related genius 🙂

  2. Your ChocoNana Pancakes look awesome, I can’t wait to try them. Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

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  4. Pingback: The Hearth and Soul Blog Hop

  5. Great idea! Ill add some chocolate to our pumpkin pancakes tomorrow and see how everyone likes them! Thanks for sharing on Natural Living Monday. I am excited to see what you have to share this week.

  6. Pingback: Leftovers and Spooky Desserts | my sister's pantry

    • My pleasure! My kids (and husband, and I) love these, and honestly, if I’m going to give them chocolate, I’d rather do it early so we can burn it off. Thanks for stopping by Savannah!

  7. so glad to see these, they look so good, so delicious; these ones would be a favourite in our house ! found your choconana pancakes through apeekintomyparadise party today! 🙂 Ingrid

  8. Pingback: The Berries Are Here! | my sister's pantry

  9. Pingback: Baby Step 13: Saving on Produce | my sister's pantry

  10. Pingback: Nutshroom Neatballs (GF,DF): Endless Possibilities | my sister's pantry

  11. Pingback: New Nostalgia – Anti-Procrastination Tuesday

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