Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A New Collection

I have numerous collections but have been giving thought to starting a new collection. I have been admiring other bloggers collections of milk glass for a while now and thought to myself, "Do I really NEED to start a new collection???" Well, it seems that I do.
About a week ago some family members did a Baby Shower for my daughter who is expecting June 24. One of the young women who was co-hosting this event was given the task of doing table arrangements for all the tables. She chose to use vases from her Milk Glass collection and I immediately decided that I wanted to begin a collection of Milk Glass. It didn't take too much of a nudge.

One of the pieces of my daughter's friends collection was a ruffled hobnailed vase. This past weekend being Mother's Day my daughter had remembered that I had admired those lovely antique vases. She was going through Applachicola, FL on Saturday and decided to stop and shop at a couple of antique shops there and she found this.
I was just thrilled when I opened her gift to me for Mother's Day. BTW, that is my dear mother in the photo wearing the Emerald Green tea length gown. It seemed appropriate to sit this lovely vase in that spot.

I told my daughter that the first thing I was going to do was to cut some of my early blooming hydrangeas for this vase. I think the hydrangeas look especially beautiful in this lovely vase. That corner of the couch is my usual spot when I sit in this family room too so I can enjoy them even more.
The table is an antique mahogany English Pie Crust table that I have had for many years.

Every new collection has a story and this was a cherished Mother' Day gift from my daughter and I will enjoy adding to this collection for many years to come. Hopefully, when I am accompanied by my dear daughter.

Today I am linking to Marty's blogging party, Tabletop Tuesday at a Stroll Through Life.

Thank you for visiting my blog and please do come again.


  1. Just beautiful!!!!
    both with and without the Hydrangeas.
    this vase will be treasured for so many reasons..
    happy collecting!!
    warmest hugs..
    ps.. Isn't Applachicola just the neatest little town!! I was there in March for the art and Wine festival!!
    will be doing a post soon on my discoveries!!

  2. Your table is gorgeous and the vignette on top is stunning. Love the milkglass and the flowers are lovely. Beautifully done. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  3. Hello and thank you for your visit. I love your hobnail vase and especially those exquisite hydrangeas! The flowers look fabulous in it!


  4. The arrangement you've made is so pretty - so welcoming beside the sofa.
    I think a new collection is a grand idea. The little frisson of excitement when one finds something new is incentive enough for me!

  5. What a beautiful table. The milk glass vase is wonderful and the hydrangeas are perfect in it.We southeners do like our collections don't we?

  6. Carolyn -- what a great new collection AND the hydrangeas look especially lovely in them!

  7. Yay, Carolyn!!! A new milk glass collector! I love your first piece, and your beautiful hydrangeas, too. Have fun collecting!

  8. Milk glass is so elegant. A new collection is a wonderful idea and so southern don't you think?

  9. Your milk glass is beautiful as well as your antique mahogany table. Thank you for sharing your wonderful collection.
