#Shelflove: Let’s Talk about Finances

So this post is part of the No book buying challenge - Show your shelves some love - Hosted by ChapterBreak and Second run reviews

The theme for February is Finance, but first, let's see how I did in January. Pretty good actually. January is an exam month, so usually I can't put much reading in it.  I got over 6 titles (but one of them was a short story) and 5 of them were from my TBR (and it was the short story that was new!)
I listened to two Wodehouses from my audioTBR, two of my real life TBR (finally read The Hunger games! I had it for years! And now I'm dyiiiing because I don't have the rest yet!). Also, read one freebie from the e-TBR, and found out there was an additional free short story, so I read it too.

And... no money spent for now! And since I'm writing this post in the middle of February, this means I'm getting itchy already! I still haven't thought of a real book buying budget. I'm joining all the guys and gals whoe never had one. Actually, I had an eye of your awesome schemes for "earning"  for a book and will try to devise one for myself too. I hope like this I can pump up my reviewing and writing too.

I am also pretty proud I told my freinds and family NOT to buy me books or give me bookstore giftcards for my bday in the beginning of the month. I know this was a huge chance to tame my hunger for books, but I decided I can endure it. So instead for my birthday I got the cutest pink fondue machine, delicious tea and coffee with pretty accessories to go with and some wardrobe renewal I really needed.

As for what I plan to spend the books for... again I don't have plans set in stone.  Most likely it will go for domestic stuff. Few months ago I moved to a new place, and since it is so much better than my last, I feel really motivated embellishing it more. Maybe I can use the spare money to frame some of my cross stitch projects.  And in any case, the money from the book budget, I'll try and use them only on book conventions where the price is off.

Well  so far so good!


  1. Great work so far! Even with exams you read a lot of TBR books last month. Way more than me ;)

  2. Great work! Good luck finding the other Hunger Games books. I really enjoyed that series.

    If you spend some of your cash on decor for your new home, you'll have to share some pictures. Maybe the caption could be...See I spend my money on things other than books!

    Have a great month.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  3. Pfff, "Woe is me, I only read 6 books." :D You have no idea what it means to be unable to read! :D

    - Дийдра


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