
Easy Holiday Hair Bows

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Can you believe that there are only 5 more Fridays, including today, before Christmas? Whatttt? Are your hands tiring from all of the Christmas crafts you have been busily creating? Phew! I hope not, because today I am going to show you how to create a fabulous Christmas hair bow that is ooooohhhhh so very cute! I am pretty sure this is my favorite holiday bow as of yet! It is super easy AND, the best part, I made both bows with scrap ribbon I had left over from 4th of July and last year’s Christmas crafts….ssssshhhhh, don’t tell. Haha!

Are you ready to get started? All you need is different widths and designs of red, white and green ribbon and you are set? However, if you don’t have any Christmas ribbon laying around, any ribbon will do because believe me…you are going to want to make these fun bows for every holiday and season and to match multiple outfits. They are that cute and that easy peasy!

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Side note…The Ribbon Retreat has the most amazing grabber bags EVER! You could make so many, many fun bows with one grabber bag. It is always a surprise as to what colors, widths, and designs of ribbon you are going to get! But, I guarantee that you will get our high quality ribbon that you are going to LOVE! I didn’t use a grabber bag for these particular bows, because I had leftover ribbon from spools that I have used for other fun projects!

Apple Green Dot Red Lime Korker Red Stripes

White Dazzle Red White Polka Apple Green Dazzle
Christmas Bows
Ok, lets craft!

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Determine the size of bow you are going to make. I wanted a really big statement bow, so I cut my piece of ribbon long. You can always trim it down! You will fold this piece in thirds!

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Fold ribbon in thirds by bringing both sides in at equal amounts.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Fold ribbon in half and crease with fingernail to determine center.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Insert needle through center point and with a knot at the end of the thread, pull needle and thread all the way through until the knot is tight against the ribbon.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Fold ribbon accordion style with fingers.
Wrap thread around center of bow and pull tight, tight, tight…but be careful not to break your thread.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Make a couple of stitches in the back and tie off.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Wahoo! One layer done!

Repeat the above steps with your remaining ribbon. You can make as many layers as you want.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I continued to make each layer a little smaller than the last to give a nice layered look.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Wrap ribbon around all layers (remember to pull tight), take a few stitches in the back to ensure all layers are secure. Tie off.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Wrap a small piece of ribbon around the center of the bow and hot glue!

To add a little festive touch to my bow, I used one piece of Korker Ribbon cut into small pieces and created a miniature Korker Bow to finish off my Holiday Hair Bow!

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
To learn how to make a Korker Bow, click HERE to view our awesome video tutorial or HERE for our written tutorial!

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
What do you think? Super cute and super easy!

You can now, attach your fun bow to a headband or clip. For this bow, I choose to attach my big bow to a headband.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I simply cut two sides off of a couple of felt circles and hot glued one to the back of my bow.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
I hot glued my headband to the felt circle and topped the headband with my remaining felt circle. I wanted my bow to be front facing but have fun with your headband and bow and glue them together however you desire!

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
To make the second bow, I followed the exact same steps above. However, I wanted this bow to be a little bit smaller so I could attach it to a clip instead so I cut smaller pieces of ribbon and used a smaller width for each layer.

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Dressing up for the holidays is so much fun and with this fun bow atop those cute little heads, your Christmas attire will be complete and perfect for all of your festivities! Here are a few more fun and festive Christmas hair bows and accessories that will look great with your holiday attire…

Christmas Tree Ribbon Sculpture - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Crazy Loops Bow Tutorial - Use up ribbon scraps to create an over the top bow you will love! {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}

Christmas Package Bow - {The Ribbon Retreat Blog}
Is your Christmas outfit(s) planned? I hope you get the chance to add one of these fun bows to your little girl’s holiday attire!

Easy Holiday Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Happy Creating & Happy Holiday Hair Bows!!
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  1. Fernanda
    Posted November 24, 2014 at 8:50 am | Permalink


    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted November 28, 2014 at 10:34 am | Permalink

      Hi Fernanda! Thank you for your question. You can find all of the products used in these fun bows right here at The Ribbon Retreat. To purchase your own products, you can use a debit or credit cards and you can also use a PayPal account if you have one. Thank you again for your question and have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂

  2. Pat C.
    Posted November 24, 2014 at 3:57 pm | Permalink

    Oh, how sweet, Michelle! The korker bow adds an unexpected, whimsical touch to the plainer style of the bottom bows. I’m still bowmaking-phobic (phowbic?), having made several pitiful attempts in the past, but I’m dutifully bookmarking this tutorial. Perhaps one day I will accept the idea that practice does indeed make perfect (or at least passable!).; )

  3. Posted November 26, 2014 at 7:46 pm | Permalink

    These are great! So making these for my daughter! PINNED! And thank you for joining the Found & Foraged link up party. We hope to see you again this Saturday! Happy Thanksgiving!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted November 28, 2014 at 10:27 am | Permalink

      Hi Kyla! Thank you so much! They are so much fun to make! Your daughter will LOVE them! Have a wonderful day and Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! Michelle 🙂

  4. Posted November 28, 2014 at 4:55 pm | Permalink

    These holiday bows are beautiful! My daughter can never have enough of them! Thanks for linking up with Motivational Monday, would love to see you back on Sunday evening!

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted November 29, 2014 at 5:19 am | Permalink

      Hi Carrie! Thank you! I am so glad you love these fun bows. They are easy to make and would look amazing on your daughter. We would love to join you again at your link party…thank you for the invitation! Have a wonderful day and thank you again! Michelle 🙂

  5. Posted November 30, 2014 at 5:34 pm | Permalink

    Oh my! This looks so cute! Pinned and tweeted. We always love partying with you, I hope to see you Monday at 7 pm at our party. Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls

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