Devils-Foothold_sm-resizedIn a small Northern California town, a young Sheriff’s deputy, Jessica McGuire, is raising her son as a single mother and trying to do the job of keeping the community safe. Not too much seems to happen in those parts, until one day, something very strange happens. And then a few more odd events transpire, and before she knows it, Jessica is investigating the happenings that seem to suggest a devil worshipping cult in their midst.

Her boss doesn’t believe any of these things can be happening, and dismisses what she tells him. What is the most challenging aspect of the cult is that the most powerful members of the community seem to be involved. And a few teenagers, most of whom are good kids.

With the help of the local minister, widower David Tanner, who first got involved when he discovered that an infant’s grave had been robbed, Jessica is able to follow the clues that lead to the sinister answers. Along the way, there is plenty of suspense and a few tidbits about the personal lives of the characters that made me root for them.

Definitely a page-turner, The Devil’s Foothold gifted the reader with the author’s depiction of small town police procedures, while offering a glimpse of life in a part of California that I love. 5.0 stars.

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