Mount TBR Checkpoint 2: June 2014

It’s time for the second quarterly check-in post for Bev’s Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2014. The months are speeding by! Bev asks:

1. Tell us how many miles you’ve made it up your mountain (# of books read). 

I’ve read 30 of my TBRs, so I’m nearly at the top of Mt Vancouver with just six more books to go. The list of books I’ve read is here. These last three months I’ve read 6.5 books. I did much better in the first 3 months of the year as I only read from my own shelves then, reading 23.5 books. But after that I’ve read mainly library books and books I’ve recently acquired.

To reach my target of Mt Ararat (48 books) by the end of the year I really will have to concentrate on books I’ve had on my shelves since before the beginning of this year.

2. Use titles from your list to complete as many of the following as you can. If you haven’t read enough books to give you good choices, then feel free to use any books yet to be read from your piles. I’ve given my answers as examples. Feel free to add words (such as “a” or “the” or others that clarify) as needed.

My Day in Books

I began the day with Ethan Frome
before breakfasting on Five Little Pigs. (No, I really wouldn’t eat even one little pig!!)

On my way to work I saw Mansfield Park
and walked by Cannery Row
to avoid The Crow Trap
but I made sure to stop at The Thirty-Nine Steps.

In the office, my boss said, The Grass is Singing
and sent me to research Shakespeare’s Restless World .

At lunch with Nemesis
I noticed  The Lost Army of Cambyses
playing a game of Not Dead Enough.

When I got home that night,
I studied [the] Cloud Atlas
because I’m interested in  The Sea Change
and I decided that They Do it with Mirrors.

6 thoughts on “Mount TBR Checkpoint 2: June 2014

  1. You’re ahead of me with the same destination, so well done, but I’m still on course I think. But it’s not easy is it? I’m lured away by library books too. Plus, I pick up one of my own books and then realise I bought it this year, so no good.
    I want to do an update but may not be able to. With my neck and shoulders playing up as they are it’s as much as I can do to do normal reviews. I had to work on the last three book post all week. I’ll see how it goes.


    1. Thanks, Cath. I’ve bought a few books this year that I really want to read very soon – and those library books are just so tempting too.

      So sorry about your neck and shoulders – take care, the reviews can wait!


  2. Margaret – Well done! You’re making great progress on the challenge. And you’ve got some really clever ways of completing ‘My Day in Books’ too!


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