Spreading the Love

Why we blog is interesting, and I’m sure everyone who has the nerve and energy to do so has a different reason.  For me, the intent was to keep in touch with people in both of the places where I live, but along the way something happened.  I began hearing more from people who were unfamiliar to me, and over the months relationships have evolved.  I still prefer face time, but I am so grateful to my blog friends for having become a part of my life.

One such special friend can be found here, and I am flattered and privileged  to have received her love today.  I love her blog, er blogs.  She writes five of them, and each offers something special.  She is not only a whiz with words but quite good with a camera.  Visiting her blog is for me like having morning coffee with a good friend.

She suggested sharing the link to a first blog.    My first WordPress post was February 24, 2010, and would you believe it was a tablescape!

I’m not sure why I chose that as a subject other than I like to do fun tables for dinner guests.  Since that first one, others have followed almost every week and linked to other wonderful creations at Susan’s Tablescape Thursday. What a coincidence that Jeanne showed her love today and gave me the opportunity to show again that first post which had only two photos!  Since then my camera has been a lot busier as photos tell as much as words.

Jeanne’s idea to introduce her readers to other blogs is a good one.  I have many favorites, and if you are curious about them and my interests, click on any of the ones listed on the right under Ideas and Inspiration.  There’s much there from which to be inspired.  Happy reading!

i love your comments, so jump right in and share your thoughts

13 responses to “Spreading the Love”

  1. Thank you for this post! I have been searching the net a lot your blog one of the good ones for the info I am looking for. Very good to know all this stuff before I start my new project.

  2. Linda…you are so kind and I am thrilled to see your first post! I am sure I responded to this post as I recall reading it….I am losing my mind!!
    Thanks again and I also want to say I loved your Houston tour…I had no idea it had so much to offer. Looks like a fantastic, vibrant art scene…you must love it!

    Best wishes Linda, hope you are having a wonderful day!!

    Jeanne xx

  3. Thank you for sharing this one Linda! Lovely since then 🙂

  4. Linda, beautiful table…love the tulips.

  5. Beautiful tablescape!!! I love all your all the bright colors it sure brings spring into your home! Very nice.
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. Linda, that is a GORGEOUS tablescape!!!
    You really inspire me!

    ~Lisa xo

  7. Hi Linda

    I loved you blog and the links with othe like minded folk.I love the french country house and am a great fan of Brocante’s when I go to france.

    1. I dream about going with Sharon on one of her outings.

  8. There’s something luminescent about this particular photo, the light is soft and beautiful,the composition is great and the image we see is taken from the prefect angle.
    …. if you said it was a painting by “a realist still-life painter”, …people would believe you 🙂

    It’s a photo apart, treasure it.

    1. I take it you are talking about the hyacinths. If so, that is one of Jeanne’s photos so I cannot take the credit. Darn!

      1. No no Linda, I mean the photo YOU have, the one with the white cloth swirled around the tulpen in the middle, the plate at centre front and the folded napkin… very modern take on “old Master” in composition (well ok, the napkin is not falling off the table but you get the idea)
        Credit where it IS due! 🙂

  9. What a beautiful tablescape! I love all the great colors!

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