musical tension

Having studied classical and baroque mandolin and guitar for ten years under the best professors at the New England Conservatory of Music I knew I was ready. Here I am, though, playing a duet, Weiss’ “Fantasia In C minor”, at Lincoln Center with Professor Ennio Baggiagalupe, a student of the great Segovia. Now we’re only practicing backstage but soon we shall be forced to face an audience of snooty longhairs. Baggiagalupe, the Maestro, is such a merciless taskmaster. The ticking of the clock is too loud and slow. There’s no turning back.

14 thoughts on “musical tension

  1. aliciajamtaas says:

    “but soon we shall be forced to face an audience of snooty longhairs” – This, Larry, says it all. Puts tension in MY stomach, I can’t imagine what the musician is feeling at the Lincoln Center. Chills, Alicia


  2. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Larry, Well written story and I can feel the animosity between the student and teacher. He must be unkind. Too bad, and I can understand the nervousness before playing. also, Sorry Bjorn, I thought it was a mandolin too, I apologize. I stand corrected, sorry about the mistake – a Portuguese guitar – Nan 🙂


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