#fridayfictioneers via rochelle – 3/28

Every Wednesday Redwood Wisoff-Fields posts a picture prompt challenging writers to create a 100-word story, poem, or whatever works for you.  After posting your work on your blog,  go back to her site and add your link on her Friday Fictioneers post.  Place.  Page.

Give it a shot.  I prefer to stick to 100 words, but she doesn’t mind either way.  Not everyone has the time to sit and write, revise, edit, revise, edit, etc. until getting it down to 100 and telling everything you want to tell.

A few comments at the end…



“Into the Woods”

“Now?” asked Son.

“No.  He’s not far enough.”


“If he hears us, he’ll run,” said Father.

“I’m hungry.”

“We’ll eat later.”

“Why are we after him?”

“Because he’s after us.”

“You sure?” asked Son.

“They all are.”

“Should we whisper?”

“Child, he can’t understand our words, nor we his.”

“He’s not speaking.”

“They speak with actions, not words.”

“He hasn’t done anything.”

“Not yet.  He will.”

A knife clicked open.


“Dad, how’d you get so smart?”

“Takes years.  You’ll be smart someday.”

“How old are you?”

“Almost 200.”

As Pete carved his first initial, leaves rustled behind him.


100 words

42 thoughts on “#fridayfictioneers via rochelle – 3/28

    • thanks very much. i aim to have the story seem to lead you in one direction, and then flip it entirely with the last sentence, perhaps causing you to rethink everything you just read. thanks for stopping by.

  1. Dear Rich,

    Would you want someone carving into your midriff with a pocket knife. Sentient trees. Guess we never stop to consider, do we?
    Smooth, fast paced dialogue.



    • thanks very much for stopping by. as for the pocket knife, i forgot to add a note at the end that, back in grade school, i spent endless hours climbing and just hanging out in trees. i have always thought them to be under-appreciated and magnificent “beings.” however, in my grade-school ignorance, i commonly carved my initials to leave my mark as to where i had been. i never thought about the potential damage.

    • thanks very much. and i always enjoy your comments. because of an odd work schedule and bad timing, i don’t usually see the pictures, but i saw janet’s story, then took a closer look at the picture, and something came to me, so i went with it. now i’ve got a lot of reading ahead of me. happy monday.

  2. So good to see you back again, Rich. Your writing, like the tree, has gotten better with age. 🙂 I did a double-take as well which, as you say, is generally a good thing. I liked your comment about carving your own initials. Of such moments come stories.


    • Thanks very much for several things in that comment. As for the trees, there are very few things I regret in life, but strangely enough, harming a tree is one of them.

      • I know – math is so hard when it deals with tricky numbers such as 100 – 90. Life needs to be made simpler, I vote they take away the pennies from the coin selection to lessen the burden of math. It may even solve homelessness!

  3. This is not going to end well for Pete. Lovely POV of the trees, but I wonder if Son will ever be as smart as his dad 🙂

  4. OMG… I love this. Liked it on the first read, then had to read the comments to “get it,” then read it a second time… very nicely done! I love that you incorporated the male in the distance of the pic; I chose to ignore him myself. Well done! :>

  5. Very good post. Love the photo! My children still spend much of their time in trees. I’m a tree hugger. We love to camp and hike in the woods. Thanks for sharing this. ~Victoria Marie Lees

what say you?