Circular Vacationing

Copyright John Dixon

George where are you? I hear you — but I can’t see you.

I’m by the crooked tree!

Which one?

The one shaped like an S.

But they’re all shaped like an S.

I’m by the one that has a curlicue branch growing out of it.

But they all have curlicue branches growing out of them.

It’s wizened!

Oh wizened. That’s helpful, George.

Hey! You’re the one who insisted on vacationing at Macramé World, Marge!  Marge?  Marge?

I’m over here, George!


By the crooked tree!

Which one?

The one that’s shaped like an S.

* * *

If you would like to participate in Friday Fictioneers, go to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple, write a 100-word story inspired by this week’s picture and  link up.  It’s fun!  It’s refreshing! You’ll like it! 

Until next time . . . I love you


64 thoughts on “Circular Vacationing

      • It was the pattern before I took it over. The original intent was that the prompt went up on Wednesday to give us time to come up with a story and edit before posting. Hence the stories were supposed to be posted on Friday. Somewhere along the line it became a race to see who could post the earliest.

  1. It’s obvious they were supposed to macrame a scarf and anchor it at the edge of the forest to find their way out.
    Some people just don;t appreciate the utility of macrame…

  2. Nicely done! Reminds me of a vacation to St Pete 26 years ago when I got completely turned around.


  3. Looks like their next vacation should be at the creepy 1970’s World. It is creepy but much easier to find your husband amongst the decor when wearing his plaid on plaid flared jeans amongst spiral staircases and pink lounge bathrooms.

  4. Hi Linda — you’ve done this kind of thing before — Can I make a challenge to you? Write a Palindrome (a sentence palindrome — it doesn’t have to be word for word forwards and backwards.) Something that starts and ends the same way — but takes on a slightly different meaning at the half-way point.

Please leave a comment. I need help finishing my sentences.