Big Girls Don’t Cry

Oh my, Friday Fictioneers not on a Wednesday but a Tuesday, has the world gone mad….. No matter the day 100 + eager participants stumble to create little snippets of flash, 100 words (give or take) hosted by the creative talents of Rochelle Wissof-Fields. Get yourselves over, it’s addictive.


In the clearing, the other girls danced up a storm. Jenny sat and watched, her hands lying nervously across her thighs. They were already dripping sweat and a visible stain appeared on her skirt. She bit her lip, knowing the others would say she’d peed her pants again.

Then she remembered granny’s spell and slowly whispered “Big girls don’t cry, they get even”

Jenny fastened her cardigan, wiped the moss off her skirt and walked away smirking. She looked back over her shoulder at the newly grown barks all twisted and warped, “Sometimes being ‘stick’ thin isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, girls.”

29 thoughts on “Big Girls Don’t Cry

  1. Ouch, not a nice girl to mess with. It’s seems a bit of an over reaction, since the other girls didn’t do anything, although I take it they have been mean to her in the past. This is good writing.

  2. Dear Helen,

    A thousand pardons for scheduling the wrong date. I was as shocked as anyone. 😮

    At any rate you were obviously up to the task. Great little bit of revenge. Stick thin. Love that.



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