Rainbows End Tablescape~ Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

My longtime readers know how much I adore St. Patrick’s Day. In years past I have written several Irish themed posts which can be found in the March archives on the sidebar. A post I originally wrote in March 2008 on Thatched Roof Cottages continues to get several hits each week.  

For this years St. Patrick’s Day tablescape I wanted to create a setting which one might encounter if they came to the end of a rainbow. I settled on a color palette of greens, browns, creams and of course silver and gold. Then I went around the house collecting things that fit the bill. A bit unorthodox, but quite fun.

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I began with a pale green damask tablecloth with matching napkins. The green color is so faint that it almost appears in the pictures as cream.

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Next,  for a rustic, outdoor feeling I used my $1.00 willow chargers I found a few years ago at Anthropologie.

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I created a place card for each guest using an image I found at The Graphics Fairy.


The centerpiece is my favorite part. My “pot of gold”  is an antique Bavarian teapot filled with roses that actually have a slight green tinge.

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Here’s the back of the teapot and a close up of a few of the chocolate coins scattered in the mossy “meadow”.

Tip#1 ~ Work with the moss outside as it can get a bit messy.

Tip #2 ~ Candles are absent from this tablescape as they could be a potential fire hazard.

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This image makes me feel peaceful, happy and … lucky.

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On the sideboard/buffet I continued the green theme by using various décor items and a favorite piece of Irish linen.

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Here’s a close up of its yummy, hand worked goodness.

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The centerpiece features an antique frame with a traditional Irish blessing,

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Under the glass cloche is a antique toothpick holder that belonged to my great ~ great grandparents. It’s a leprechaun's top hat, I just know it.

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To the right of the centerpiece is a mish mash of green favorites. Like the “cloche”? It’s a sconce votive holder turned upside down.

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This is what lies under the wavy glass. Nested eggs on an egg cup.

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Don’t you love my wee gold bird? He has peridot green eyes. A treasured gift from a special friend now in heaven.

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He is a vintage artificial sweetener holder. The magnetized tongs are miniscule. LOVE!!!!

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To the left is Irish potato bread and a plate of bakery sugar cookies. (Truthfully I wish I could eat it all myself. :)

We’re also having corned beef, cabbage, carrots and yes, more potatoes. No famine here.

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Need a St. Paddy’s Day Playlist? Here are my favorites.

Need an Irish themed movie? My top 10 list is HERE.

The kidlets and I are off to play miniature golf today ~ yes on a “green”. (Snicker) Thank you for your understanding that my bloggy time is limited this week due to spring break.

What are your St. Paddy’s Day  plans?


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