The Platoon

It’s time for Friday fictioneers again, here’s my 100 word fictional piece prompted by the picture above:

Placing her flip flop clad foot onto the platoon, Tara stepped out of the fishing boat and sighed at the beautiful landscape in front of her.

‘Your bag Ma’am. Have a safe stay,’ the tanned skipper drawled.

Turning to him, she grabbed her bag, giving him a knowing nod in thanks. Sick of everyone telling her what to do, she was looking forward to a summer working on the resort. Her mum couldn’t control her here. Oppressive bitch can go to hell! She laughed – her mum would be going ape by now.


17 thoughts on “The Platoon”

  1. Oho,a rebel ? Well,good for her cos soon she will learn to appreciate her Mom-here comes real life -and I am also suspicious about what that skipper said”safe stay”?Beware Tara! Loved this:-)

  2. What a delightful story. She certainly has more balls than I did at that age. On that thought, she might not want to go back to mum. Who knows what she’s got in store?

  3. Good morning, Caroline. Good story about that age of rebellion. I’m quite sure she’ll learn a lot, some of which will be lessons she didn’t want but needed. Who knows? She may learn to appreciate her mom more, too. As for the skipper’s advice, in a FF story, that could be taken ominously. Or not. 🙂


  4. Well-written story. I was thinking the same as some others. She’ll find out that working for someone else is a heck of a lot different than being told what to do my Mom. Also, the warning might lead to a mystery, making this a hook for a longer story.

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