Ordinary Nights

I don’t know about you, but most of our nightly meals are at home and the table is anything but fancy.  In fact, most nights we don’t even eat at a table but remain at the bar where we have just played gin rummy or backgammon.  It’s a comfortable place to eat and close to the kitchen which means hubby doesn’t have to walk too far when he clears the dishes.

No matter how simple, I do pay some attention to how we receive the food, meaning that I want it to look good on the plate.  I’ve been known to throw a whole meal down the disposal because it didn’t look appetizing.  Now, is that carrying creativity too far?

OK, back to the bar where tonight’s dinner is a salad which has tuna in it, making it a good time to use the fish plates.  They need a little color so the turquoise placemats and purple napkins will help out there

as will a gaily patterned bowl for the crackers and the adorable bird salt and pepper shakers.  It’s impossible to resist buying such eye catching little things at Anthropologie.

Hmmm, it’s also a good time for the fish goblets.  We just have to be careful not to fill them with too much wine because they are mighty big.

When all is said and done, the bar is just the right place for Thursday night dinner

no matter how humble.

For dessert, there’s buttermilk pie, so come back tomorrow for the recipe.

For a look at creative tables, check out Tablescape Thursday.

i love your thoughts, so jump right in and share yours

13 responses to “Ordinary Nights”

  1. Always wished that Sweet Mister would eat fish…other than my homemade tuna salad every once in a blue moon. The glass fish platters are the perfect appointment for your dinner a deux at the breakfast bar. I love to play gin rummy. Do you ever play Russian Rummy? Fun game, too. Thank you for sharing your wonderful design and for stopping by my post. Cherry Kay

  2. Your fish plates are fabulous! Love them!….Christine

  3. There are lots of nights we sit at the bar & eat! Love your fish plates~ they really pop on your placemats! I haven’t been to Anthropologie lately… it is a dangerous place for me 🙂

  4. I love cobalt with turquoise…cute fish plates. We don’t always eat at the table, either!

  5. Oh my, I have those plates and they are on my list to use! Yours look great on the turquoise. And dinner does too. Love the fish goblets too. what time did you say dinner was?

    1. You will do something really wonderful with your plates or we could put them all together and have a big party.

  6. Your tablescape is beautiful. The fish dishes are neat, but I really love the way you placed the flowers in the vases.

    We usually eat in the living room in front of the t.v. — I know, it’s a sin, but there are just the two of us grandparents here at home now, so we take liberties, lol.

    Thanks for sharing, and Happy TT!

    Best and God bless,

    1. Hey, wherever you are comfortable sounds fine to me.

  7. It is funny how we all have our habits. We always sit at the table, never at the counter!
    Your looks very comfy! I have service for 12 in 3 sizes and platters in that fish pattern! Don’t know why! Can’t afford to buy the fish anymore. 😦

    1. Where I actually need those plates is in Maine where we eat fresh seafood all the time.

  8. Can I come eat at your house Linda?? Looks delicious and healthy and I am VERY curious about buttermilk pie! I’ll be back….

    Jeanne xx

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