Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mardi Gras Tablescape

Today I will try for the first time to share my tablescape with Between Naps on the Porch blogspot. I mentioned this blog on a previous post as the site that started my love for tablescaping. If I am not successful at posting mine, please take time to view this fabulous blog. You will love it.

I don't know what image comes to your mind when you think of Mardi Gras but for me it is not a good one. The colors however do lend to a wonderful tablescape. So whatever your feelings about Mardi Gras, I am just using the theme colors and accessories. On second thought, I think I will have guest over and share with them
how some of the traditions came about, the good ones, that is.


  1. The table is really pretty. Think your guest will enjoy the dinner.

  2. Hi lovely lady. I love your Mardi Gras Tablescape for your dinner ~~~ The colors are all Beautiful for this party !!! you did a Great Job putting it all together sweet lady. Im your newest follower on your Blog~~I hope you come join my Tablescapes also ~~~ I hope you have a nice Evening !!!

  3. perfect the colors are redgreen and gold. Very flamboyant fun table.

  4. Hi, your table is so beautiful! I like how you left the wood showing, and your candle centerpiece is delightful.

    I did a Mardi Gras table too, if you want to take a look. I want to go back to New Orleans, but I don't really want to be in the middle of Mardi Gras, though come to think of it the pictures that I could get of the parades would be neat.

    Best and God bless!


  5. VERY cool centerpiece!!! I had to click on the picture to see that how the bowl is constructed. Aren't those just terrific for doing fun and creative stuff? You did an outstanding job with all the curly ribbon under there! Those were really cool floating candles, too. I've never seen any like them! Love the way you adorned the candlesticks, too. I've never been to Mardi Gras in person. Too much debauchery of the "go to jail" kind for my taste! :-) I'm glad we can enjoy the festivities on our own terms from afar! I hope you have a good weekend!

  6. My favorites are the masks at each place setting and the black-and-white harlequin ribbon that punctuates the whole table! Very nice.

  7. How delightful! I love your puffy bows with your candles.

  8. Love what you did with the bowl for the got a ton of mileage out of an assortment of curly ribbon! the bows that you tied on the candlesticks are also incredibly effective. The black and white check just punches up all your other colors. So well conceived and executed. Thank you for sharing your lovely design. Cherry Kay
