

Edited 1/20/2014: There was an error in the recipe; it’s been corrected (there needed to be more water, or it would just be gross!)

Normally Sunday is folklore day; but normally I haven’t been sick for three weeks straight, and normally I don’t get the stomach flu on top of a double ear infection and end up with the doctor on one phone line and my mother on the other.

Getting sick is bad enough, but when you have to start worrying about hydration as well it becomes even nastier. You have to make sure that your electrolyte levels are in good shape, and having something that tastes good is doubly helpful.

I’m generally pretty lucky, I don’t actually get sick that often. But when I do, it’s pretty nasty. This winter I’ve already had something flu-like and a double ear infection-at the same time. Pleasant, I promise. [Redacted] ade was my friend and good companion-but frankly, it tastes like chemicals.

Because that’s what [redacted] ade is, chemically based. So when I got solid enough to move around my kitchen I made a batch of this Hydro-ade instead, made from this recipe. I eyeballed the measurements on the first batch. I have seen this done with different juices, so play around with your favorite flavors.

Please, visit this week’s Inspired Weekends!
Linked to-
flamingo toes
twelve o eight
a pinch of joy
momnivore’s dilemma
the chicken chick
call me pmc
create with joy
the prairie homestead
anyonita nibbles
mom’s test kitchen
the tasty fork

One comment

  1. Pinning to make later. My husband drinks a lot of that store bought “-ade”.
    Found you on The Prairie Homestead blog hop
    ~ Lea @ adropofthis.com

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