Taming the beast!


Welcome back to day FOUR of our JANUARY Kraftin’ Kimmie Peeks!
Today, we are excited to share a new set of three images called DREAM BIG!!

I decided to work with this darling lion tamer image, and played with some light and bright colours.  This image made me think of idea of the large rings in the middle of the circus, so I went with some large polka dot patterned paper on the base.  I also added some Stickles on the stand for the lion and the coordinating jacket of the lion tamer.  After all, if a little gal is going to dream big, chances are there are going to be sparkles involved! 

Oh, and guess what – since it’s Saturday, it’s challenge time! This week our challenge hostess is ALICE, and her challenge is ANYTHING GOES!! So create a card, scrapbook page or altered item with a Kraftin’ Kimmie stamp with no restrictions! Use any sketch, any design, any embellishments because Anything Goes! Have some krafty fun and join us this week because we’d LOVE to see your KKS designs.


All the Krafty Girls listed below have lots of super FUN designs to show you featuring these sweet new stamps from Rachelle.  While you’re hopping around, be sure to leave a comment because we are giving away some stamps. And don’t forget about the online release party tonight on the KKS Facebook page – there are more goodies to be won!

Thanks for stopping by!

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