Sunday, January 12, 2014

Catching up - Celtic Solstice Part 6!

First, Happy New Year! I seemed to have gotten behind during the Christmas and New Year holidays. But I've been burning the midnight oil and have caught up!  

Here is everything I need to make the smaller version of Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice Mystery Quilt. I've got everything pieced in hopes of at least making this part 6 link up.  So glad I made it!!!  Three hours to spare, whew ;)
Hopefully I'll have the top done by the last link up on February 3rd.

Here are the two blocks for Part 6.

I'm so excited that I used up all kinds of scraps I have in my stash for this quilt. It's been exciting to see how it has come together. It is amazing how it looks when you step back and look at it in a photo.  See what I mean!!!

I guess I could have made a better choice with the blue/yellow fabric I used as a blue, but still I'm really happy with it all.   I'm going to play with the layout and see if that helps.

I can't wait till I'm done and it is quilted!  Now I'm going to catch up on my posts for each part.

Thanks again Bonnie for this fun Mystery Quilt!

Happy quilting!


  1. Your units and blocks look great! You will have a lovely quilt when your done. I just linked up tonight too and am hoping to get my top done in time for the final link up.
    Lisa in MN

  2. Good luck Lisa! Can't wait to see your quilt at the last link up. Have fun :)
