The Top 10 Things Children Actually Want From Their Parents

Ever wondered what your children actually want from you? Get some awesome parenting advice and tips straight from kids like yours. Discover what they will remember; what makes a difference and what they truly desire.

My three year old climbed into my lap for some snuggle time. I relaxed into the cuddle to relish the moment of quiet. At that moment I I felt a warm rush of deep love infuse my being. There is nothing quite like those moments of deep connection is there?

Two seconds later the cold whispers of doubt and fear crept in. This child was so precious and special. He was growing up so fast and I knew that his childhood would fly past. What if I messed up this parenting thing?

How could I possibly know what he really wanted and needed? What if I got it wrong?

We parents long to do the things that matter to our children in the few years we are given. We want to do the things that will stick with them, shape them, and cause them to look back on their childhood with happiness.


So how can we do that? What things will our children remember? What will make the difference? Where is the instruction manual?

Related: 15 Incredibly Powerful Ways To Show Love To Our Children

A treasure trove of tips and advice straight from children

When I happened on a list of what kids love their parents to do, I felt as if I discovered a gold mine.

Every Mother’s Day for 16 years a teacher named Erin Kurt asked her students to give her advice on being a parent. They were to name those things their parents did with them, which made them feel happy or loved.

Erin noticed over the years that many of these responses were the same, so she created a list that revealed, “ The Top Ten Things Children Really Want Their Parents to Do With Them.

A list of tips and advice straight from children like ours? YES PLEASE!

Are you ready to get the inside scoop? Prepare to be encouraged. Prepare to be affirmed Prepare to find hope.

The Top Ten Things Children Actually Want Their Parents To Do

  1. Come into my bedroom at night, tuck me in and sing me a song. Also tell me stories about when you were little.
  2. Give me hugs and kisses and sit and talk with me privately.
  3. Spend quality time just with me, not with my brothers and sisters around.
  4. Give me nutritious food so I can grow up healthy.
  5. At dinner talk about what we could do together on the weekend.
  6. At night talk to me about anything; love, school, family etc.
  7. Let me play outside a lot.
  8. Cuddle under a blanket and watch our favorite TV show together.
  9. Discipline me. It makes me feel like you care.
  10. Leave special messages in my desk or lunch bag.

It’s that simple!

I don’t know about you, but this list put a big smile on my face.  The things our children long for; the things that make them feel loved are not hard or expensive.

They are simple, easy, and really doable. Whoo hoo!

It is the small things that parents do that mean the most and are remembered

So this year maybe we can get things right after all. Maybe you have just discovered that you have been doing things right all along! Let’s celebrate the birth of a new year and commit to doing those small things that mean the world to our children.

Now it’s your turn

What would you add to this list? Ask your children – What things help you feel happy and loved? Then do those things as often as you can.

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