Snickerdoodle Hummus

Did you just read that title and think, “what??”.  Well you read it correctly  We really are having Snickerdoodle Hummus today.  Dessert hummus is super fun to experiment with.  A friend opened my eyes to this world last year and I have been a fan ever since.  We don’t have it often, but every once in a while it is really nice to switch things up.DSC_1164Now you might be asking yourself what you would eat dessert hummus with.  That is really up to you.  My favorite is fruit, toast and a spoon.  We had this with apples and grapes once and it was divine.  Though… sometimes the spoon is a really fantastic option:-)DSC_1168Okay now we get to talk about the really important stuff — what goes into this hummus.  We still start with the same base: garbanzo beans, tahini and even a little salt.  Now comes the fun stuff: nut butter (I used peanut butter last time I made this, but I seemed to have developed a peanut allergy so I used almond butter this time- both were great.), cinnamon applesauce, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and agave/honey.DSC_1186Stick everything into your food processor (or blender) and mix until it is nice and smooth.  I have given the amounts that I used below, but I would add the spices in slowly and make any changes you need to.  You might really have a thing for nutmeg and want some more or any number of preferences that make us wonderfully unique.  I know Christmas has passed, but this is another great idea for a holiday treat to give to neighbors and friends.  It seems rather fitting for the season, but really you could make this any time of the year and it would be a crown pleaser.DSC_1203

Snickerdoodle Hummus

2 (15 oz) cans of garbanzo beans

1 T tahini

3/4 C almond butter, or any nut butter

1 C cinnamon apple sauce

1 T vanilla

2 t cinnamon

3/4 t nutmeg

1/2 t ginger

1/4 t salt

1/2-3/4 C agave

1. Place all ingredients into food processor or blender and mix intuit it becomes smooth.  Make any flavor adjustments you would like, but remember to try things a little at a time.  It is harder to take something away that to add a little more.DSC_1221DSC_1229DSC_1224

9 thoughts on “Snickerdoodle Hummus

    • Yeah… I have made a few less worthy batches myself. The best advice I can give is to add your spices slowly, only a little at a time. This is true for savory and dessert hummus. My mistake has been putting too much of one flavor and then scrambling to fix it. Good luck! You will do great!

  1. This sounds interesting – I will have to try it. I made a spicy hummus tonight and it was really good. It is so easy to make you own and so much less expensive than buying it.

  2. Love hummus! Interesting combination! Thank you for linking up at Tasty Tuesdays! Your post has been pinned to my Recipes from Tasty Tuesday board. I can’t wait to see what you link up next week!
    Have a terrific weekend!

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