1. Tell us how many miles you made it up your mountain (# of books read). If you’ve planted your flag on the peak, then tell us and celebrate (and wave!).  Even if you were especially athletic and have been sitting atop your mountain for months, please check back in and remind us quickly you sprinted up that trail. And feel free to tell us about any particularly exciting adventures you’ve had along the way.

I signed up for 24 books (Mount Blanc) and managed to read my 24th book in August. Overall, I finished 31 books from my TBR. Waves!
List of books I finished for this challenge. Most exciting was to finish Kage Baker’s the Company series. I also really enjoyed the Buffy book (Spike & Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row) and N. K. Jemisin’s Killing Moon.

2. My Life According to Mount TBR: Using the titles of the books you read this year, please associate each statement with a book read on your journey up the Mountain.

Are you male or female?: I’m one of the Five Female Sleuths
Describe yourself: Burn the Night
Describe where you currently live: The Machine’s Child
If you could go anywhere where would you go?: London Under
Your favorite form of transportation: Agatha H and the Airship City
What’s the weather like?: The Killing Moon
Favorite time of day?: The Dark Light of Day
Your relationships: Loyalties
You fear: All Spell Breaks Loose
What is the best advice you have to give?: The Shades of Gray
If you could change your name, you would change it to: The Lord of the Sands of Time
My soul’s present condition: Babylon Voices