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Between Naps on the Porch
Between Naps on the Porch

Between Naps on the Porch

Between Naps on the Porch is a lifestyle blog with an emphasis on Decorating, Tablescaping, Before and Afters, Thrify Finds, and Gardening.

Jun 2, 2012

Party Time! Two Birthday Celebrations Tonight!

Happy Spring!  Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

I know you are all wondering how the blog move is going.  In two words: not well.

Imagine I came to your home and removed everything you own from every cabinet, every closet and every drawer.  Every. Single. Thing.  Even down to the toothpicks in the kitchen cupboard and the aspirin in the medicine cabinet.

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May 30, 2012

Tablescape Thursday Cancelled & Tell Me Your Wedding Tales!

Tablescape Thursday Cancelled:
Announcement:  For the first time in the history of Tablescape Thursday, I need to cancel our party for this week.  If you have a post ready or already posted to your blog, please do link that post next week when we should be back in business.

The reason for the cancellation is due to work that needs to be done tomorrow morning to move BNOTP to its new WordPress home.  My web developer/designer has been hard at work moving over 900+ posts and almost 58,000 comments to the new BNOTP WordPress blog.  She ran into complications due to my hosting company using a different version of PHP, and it wasn't compatible with the import from Blogger.  To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what that means, but the incompatibility has caused the move to take much longer than expected.

For a while it looked like I might lose over 30,000 comments.  Yikes!
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May 29, 2012

A Beautiful Wedding & Celebration

My son Chip, married his beautiful sweetheart, Nancy, on Sunday!  I know I don't often share family pictures on BNOTP but since so many folks emailed or left comments before the wedding requesting to see some, I'm sharing a few today.

Chip and Nancy chose the historic Chapel on the campus of the University of Georgia as the location for their wedding.  They met here at UGA so this place holds lots of beautiful memories for them.

A couple of photos of the Chapel from UGA's website:

I arrived early the day of the rehearsal and snapped a couple of pics inside.

The Chapel was built in 1832 and as you walk across the wonderful old floors, they creak and moan with history.  It's just the neatest sound and it transported me back to my college days at Mercer in Macon.

The 17' x 23' oil painting shown here in the Chapel, depicts the "Interior of St. Peter's Rome" per the UGA website about the painting and restoration.  It was completed in 1847 by George Cooke.  It looks much better in person...looks washed out in my photos.

Here's the bride-to-be discussing some details with her wedding planner.  Nancy made the dress she wore to the rehearsal and it was absolutely gorgeous.  She also made the red sash and all the flowers/decorations adorning it.  That girl can sew!
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May 28, 2012

Just Jump! Welcome to the 174th Metamorphosis Monday!

Greetings!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  I'm excited today to introduce you to KariAnne who blogs at the beautiful blog, Thistlewood Farms.  A while back KariAnne and her family went through a big metamorphosis and her story is inspiring, as well as beautiful.  Enjoy!

Victorian Farmhouse

Hello, Between Naps On the Porch readers!  I am so excited to be visiting here today.  My name is KariAnne and I blog over at Thistlewood Farms.

Back Porch

And I want to introduce you to my porch.  And my little hopes and dreams.  Have you ever had a dream?  Something that you thought was unattainable, out-of-reach, pie-in-the-sky.  A dream that you put away on a shelf and took out only when life was at its most overwhelming. A dream that you never thought in your wildest imaginings would ever come true. And when life twists and turns as it must and you are tossed and tumbled….emerging a little rough around the edges….that dream is all you have to sustain you.

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