Friday Fictioneers 100 Word Challenge: Evensong

Friday Fictioneers  Photo Prompt for 18 October 2013 by Janet M WebbEvery Friday authors from around the world gather about the virtual fireside of fellow WordPress blogger Rochelle Wisoff to share flash fiction stories of 100 words, all inspired by a common photograph, and exchange constructive criticism. Readers’ comments are also welcome. This week’s photo has been provided by writer and intrepid bargee, Janet M Webb. Thanks, Janet. Here’s the story that Sandra’s photo drew from me:


“How crimson the bud-tips on that young apple.”

“There’s all sorts of new growth in the woods, Eve.”

“Don’t we have a lovely glen, Adam? Look at that pool, it’s molten gold.”

“Better get back,  …house needs a ton o’ work. And no tools, ‘less I find some abandoned ones.”

“Let’s gather wood; we need a fire for the soup.”

“Straight after Evensong.”

They joined the others standing hand-in-hand on the riverbank.  They silently contemplated the three shopping trolleys,while the birds sang. After a short while they embraced, then dispersed, to continue the work.

Ann Isik
100 words

About AnnIsikArts

Artist/Writer/Chess Enthusiast/Musician (Singer)/Gardener
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30 Responses to Friday Fictioneers 100 Word Challenge: Evensong

  1. vbholmes says:

    Have to ask–what happens when the apple ripens? Good story of new beginnings.


  2. kz says:

    a fresh start for the world (and for evil too) a unique tale with lovely language 🙂


  3. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: Off His Trolley | A Mixed Bag

  4. Love your blending of history, fantasy, and sci-fi… seamless and poetic, while telling a good story, as well. Very atmospheric, Ann. Love this.


  5. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Ann,

    Your words evoked a new world rising and the flood waters receding. Very good use of language in this piece. I imagined a new Eden and a fresh start. The snake is out there somewhere, isn’t it? Peaceful and thoughtful. Loved your title, too.




  6. Dear Ann,

    A different take on the prompt. Sounds like a colony starting over. Loved the surprise of finding they weren’t THAT Adam and Eve. Nicely done.




  7. Sandra says:

    You always manage to come up with something different Ann, and this week is no exception. Very well done.


  8. A new world/Eden after the apocalypse? Despite that, it has a lovely, peaceful feel to it.



  9. Dee says:

    I love the dialogue and after second reading, got that the new home Adam and Eve were building was a new Eden – sorry but it is late here in the UK.
    Well done, very enjoyable


    • annisik51 says:

      Thanks Dee. I’m in the UK. SE England. And I’m burning late night oil too (but a day later than you). These shopping trolleys have triggered a wide variety of stories. I envy you your long Welsh beach walks.


  10. You put me in a kind of trance with this one, Ann. I love the description of them holding hands along the riverbank among the trolleys and birds. Mine isn’t so peaceful. I loved your take on this.


    • annisik51 says:

      I hope the trance has worn off. 🙂 Thanks for your kind comments. The setting is meant to represent a new Eden. Is it so peaceful? I wonder. Adam and Eve and a baby apple tree? 🙂


      • Is it not peaceful. Maybe I need to reread? I still thought of it as such…maybe now that the trance has worn, I will revisit it! It’s something about the word “riverbank.” That does it for me every time!


  11. Absolutely love this.
    Great story, great dialogue, great wrap-up.
    (Tiny pedantic point, sorry, but birds sung should be birds sang.)
    In no way lessens your tale.


    • annisik51 says:

      How embarrassing for a proofreader. Of course, it is ‘sang’. I’m getting my singing mixed up: birdsong, evensong, sang is the past tense of ‘to sing’ and sung is the past participle: i.e. have sung. (And as a singer, I use the verb on a daily basis)! Groan! Thanks for pointing it out. Thanks for reading. Ann


  12. Jim Kane says:

    Oops, I had mentioned to someone else in a reply about going to Bay St Louis, Mississippi in the summer of 2007 and doing a Habitat build. The devastation, almost two years after the eye of Katrina went through, was something else. The prompt brought those images back to my conscious thought.



  13. Jim Kane says:

    Wonderful! The stream of unspoken yet evident faith, “Let’s gather wood; we need a fire for the soup.” “Straight after Evensong.”, stood out to me.
    Thank you!


  14. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    I maintain that you have a glorious grasp of language. Just your sentence construction gives me goosebumps. This was wonderful.


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