a flooded heart


I sat there and looked over the scene with dismay. Everything I had was gone. Everything. The carts that sat in the water looked sad. It was as if they knew. I could cry, but it would only add to the flooded town. So many people had died. The water came so suddenly. My heart was washed away with the flood. It seemed as if there was a huge hole in my chest. Everything around me had crashed to the ground. My parents and husband were dead. I clung to my infant daughter, sheltering her from the wind and at the same time the world.



  1. You described the desolation well. Good one.

  2. Dear Sam,

    I’m clinging to my emotions here. Bleak and desolate. Well done.



  3. That certainly has be going. Written straight from the heart.

  4. Horrific and unfortunately too real for some.


  5. I can not imagine bringing up a child under those circumstances but your 100 words helped me to.

  6. Dear Samtastic,

    I am speechless. What a disaster. Good thing children are resilient.



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