Rubbish on the Bay


copyright -Janet Webb

We stood on the sand and watched them go. ‘We’; the sick, the old, the crippled and the slow, surrounded by the debris they left behind; discarded bags, empty trolleys.

Some were still arriving at the bay, dragging injured legs behind; their expression turning to unspeakable desperation when they realized they were too late.

The boats sailed away and as we watched, nursing the hollow cavity in the depths of our stomachs where hope used to reside, the drones came and shot down the boats one by one.

And we watched.

Survival of the fittest. What was Darwin on about?

For Friday Fictionneers.  I managed a rounded 100 this week.  Unusual!

9 comments on “Rubbish on the Bay

  1. Jan Brown says:

    Interesting…we both wrote about those left behind. I loved your sci-fi twist on the prompt. Well done!

    Here’s mine:

  2. Sandra says:

    Enjoyed this – nice twist at the end. You saw the carts in the same way as I did. ‘Stomachs were hope used to reside’ should read where. We all do it. 😉

  3. Dear Sandra,

    Quite the disaster story. Very bleak. I did, however, trip over “carrying injured legs behind.” Were they disembodied? How were they carried?



  4. It’s happening big time nowadays as the poor migrate to the first world. Too many bodies in the Med.

  5. I didn’t notice the type-o, so no biggie. I love sci-fi! It seems leaving on the boats was not the best of worlds!

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