
Kraftin Kimmie October peeks, day 2… Have an ICE Day


Weeeee!  It has been cold enough to snow in the local mountains and we are waxing up our snowboards & skii's!!!  Welcome to the first day of Kraftin Kimmie peeks… squeeeee!  Today there are 2 sets from Cheryl being peeked, HAVE AN ICE DAY! and YOU'RE SO COOL!  My sweet little skier is from the Have an ICE day set.  I added some White Sparkly Fluff for snow and tilted my image and panel so it looked like he was going down the slopes.


I just LOVE that adorable little face!  Have fun hopping around and checking out all of the a-dorable snow-cuties!

Copics Used:
Pants: B91, B95, B97, B99
Sweater: E33, E34 ,E57, E79
Boots, Scraf & Hat: R35, R46, R59, E50, E51, E53
Skii's: W0, W2, W4
Skin: E01, E13, E50, E93
Hair: E25


21 thoughts on “Kraftin Kimmie October peeks, day 2… Have an ICE Day

  1. Oh I am so glad you colored the boy image, what a beautiful job you did too!! Love the placement of your image and the 3 different types different color/texture ribbon!! Stunning card my friend!


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