The Sneak Attack ~ #FridayFictioneers 10/4


Copyright – E.A. Wicklund


Writer’s block in full force I reach out, “What would you write about this one?”

“Romance of course. Reunited and it feels so good…

“Ugh! Now Reunited is running through my head. I suppose I could try and channel a little romance today.”

“I say go with what feels most instinctive. You seem to gravitate to very personal loss stories, which you write beautifully, so why mess with that?

Now, if you’re in the mood for romance, there are other ways to channel it… 😉

No, I won’t stop bugging you, as you very well know.”

The Yente strikes again!


Word Count:100


Every Wednesday Rochelle Wisoff-Fields provides a picture prompt challenging writers to create a 100-word story, poem, or whatever work they want.

Make sure you click on this link to read other creations.



25 thoughts on “The Sneak Attack ~ #FridayFictioneers 10/4

  1. Interestingly, I wrote the words to that song on a friend’s FB page, as she just met up with her love. Dang, now it’s looping back through my brain, after finally getting rid of it a couple of hours ago! Very clever play of dialogue and frustration of writer’s block. Clearly, you’re not blocked. 😉

  2. In just 100 words, you cover a couple of deep areas here, from writer’s block and keeping with what you usually do versus branching out. And you did it with nice flourishes — “Reunited” immediately played in my mind when I read that.

    • Reunited is still in my head this morning. It has become attached to that photograph.

      Rochelle said I can only write a “non-story” once. So next time WB of *%^&*# hits the fan I’ll have to hire a ghost writer.

  3. Dear Dana,

    Writers block can be a many splintered thing. My great-grandmother’s name was Yente. Just thought I’d throw that in. 😉 I like the dialogue and the back story inferred behind it.



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