Interlude: Fiction Friday (Neighbors)


“…At last the giant finished thrashing about. He dug around in the rubble of the shattered homes, casting aside bricks and insulation. At last he found them; each of the doors to the three homes he’d smashed. In his great big arms he picked them up and carried them away from the wreckage, walking up the dirt road until he reached an intersection. When he got there, he firmly planted the doors in the ground as a warning to any who may wish to builds homes where these had stood.

And that, young man, is why we don’t have neighbors!”

Image Copyright – Rich Voza

Inspired by Friday Fictioneers

~ by tawks on September 27, 2013.

8 Responses to “Interlude: Fiction Friday (Neighbors)”

  1. What an intriguing story. I immediately wondered who the young man was. Has he charmed the giant into talking to him? If it’s his son, how did the giant meet his mother? And is it the giant talking or is it someone living on the other side of those erstwhile neighbours? It would be really irritating for him, if local children just thought the doors were part of a new playground. More, please.

  2. That’s taking ‘nimby’ to a whole new level. Nice one! 🙂

  3. Dear Scott,

    Do you mean ‘rubble’ instead of rumble? Or is it my eyes? Probably my eyes. I enjoyed the story. Had a Princess Bride sort of quality to it. Intriguing.



  4. Dear Scott,

    Phew! Now I know why there are three doors in the middle of the clearing. Thank you for clearing up the mystery.



  5. Excellent and original take on the prompt. I like the way your mind works!

  6. Very intriguing and imaginative, Scott. Well done. – Amy

  7. Well, although I don’t know exactly what is going on here, the idea of a giant smashing houses up and taking their doors is quite amusing. I thought maybe he was an environmentalist on the side of the Greenbelt… (that’s the beautiful green hills surrounding out villages here in England that the Tories always want to build housing developments upon.)

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