Choices – Friday Fictioneers Haibun

Eve’s choice was hard. On the surface different:

Promises of yellow sunshine from Jeff, his laughter like pearls on a string.

Robert always passionately red , with taste of sweetest wine.

Or the calmness of Steve, like blue sea he could soothe her in his arms.

But beyond the lure of their façades, they would just be dancing barefoot on meadows, which worked fine in summer sunshine, but come October and she needed a cottage with glowing embers in the hearth.
She turned and left, and stayed with Adam. Her paradise was in their home.

burning embers
when October comes
– paradise

 Copyright – Rich Voza

Copyright – Rich Voza

Friday Fictioneers this week I decided to write a haibun. To me the picture was all about choices. But beyond the choices there is just emptiness, maybe the best choice is to turn back. This is 100 words including the haiku (which is not 575).

In Friday Fictioneers we write every week on the same picture, all under the strong guidance of Rochelle. Go to here page and read all the wonderful stories.

September 25, 2013

39 responses to “Choices – Friday Fictioneers Haibun

  1. Oh how I loved this. Those choices are always hard to make, because those colors light up your life, pulse your blood, bring a smile.

    So many people in your life can enhance it but it can also make you mad with choosing. Your beautiful words gave life to those (Very hard) decisions.

  2. very romantic – I like your story…there is so much between the lines.
    You write great in English,( I just startet to join FF last week, my first language ist German, I have to improve)…Carmen

  3. Dear Bjorn,

    This was very grounded in that particular reality held by a woman in need of a feathered nest. Great characterization, rhythm and story.



  4. I agree with Russell–she sounds like a married woman on a spree and her adventures sound like a single girl’s dream. As always, Bjorn, a good story.

  5. i didn’t know eve was such a player 🙂 got a whole new respect for her. but seriously, i love your haibun, lovely descriptions and depth. it’s true, in the end, a girl’s gotta have safety and security 🙂

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