3 doorsCopyright – Rich Voza

For this weeks challenge, I have to apologize for needing to go over the 100 word limit.  When I saw the above photography it made me think of Robert Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken and I wanted to do a parody.  My parody is about choosing a profession and the choice was one that women are now finding themselves at the top but still not equal to men.  I chose to get the education and pass all the difficult examinations to be a Certified Public Accountant and work in public accounting.  There were some easier doors to walk through.  If you are not familiar with Robert Frost’s poem, you can read it here http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/173536

The Doors Not Chosen

I came upon three doors,

And I could not choose all three

And with only one life, I pondered them

Trying two, I found them unlocked;


Needing a key, I chose the third,

It being a better choice,

Because it’s of men and wanted women’s success;

I continued to ponder coming upon the doors

Others may have chosen each equally the same,


And all three that day my choice was equal

For either would have been a good life.

Oh, I kept the unlocked doors for another day!

Alas life is a journey and sometime you never come back.


I tell this tale many years later

After the struggles and the successes:

I came upon three doors,  and I –

I chose the door less chosen by women,

Submitted for Friday Fictioneers.  Give it a try.


22 responses

  1. Dear Maryann,

    This one is a thought provoker. I often wonder if I had it to do over again, which door I would choose. Well done parody. Word count, shmerd count. It works.




  2. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Mary Ann,

    And it is a gift to us that you did. Nice poem. Not sure if parody is the correct word. perhaps homage?




  3. boy those doors of life and the choices we had. I was just discussing with my husband another career path I was offered and the fun and challenges there would have been in an emerging field.
    Excellent reflection


  4. Great poem. I think about choices a lot and what they signify. This is one to make me think. 🙂


  5. misskzebra says:

    This is an interesting one for me. I’m studying Food Science, which is a female dominated course, and yet when you go to workplaces there are far more men than women. It’s a little discouraging.


    • It is the same in accounting. About 50 % in college ate female but not 10 years ago. In practice most partners are men but the females are making some in roads. The increase in school should impact the future and it is probably the same in your field.


  6. Steve Lakey says:

    I love the original poem. This is a nice twist on it!


  7. Carrie says:

    It definitely makes you think! Nice little homage to Frost


  8. Like Frost’s poem, the door not chosen is always the one that keeps you wondering… nice. Well written and executed.


  9. summerstommy2 says:

    Well done Maryann, I think Mr Frost would be pleased. That you have given it a modern feminine twist is excellent.


  10. Linda Vernon says:

    To choose the door less chosen by women takes courage but when all is said and done I would imagine there would be fewer regrets. Nicely done !


    • Thank you. You are right and the good thing now is that women are making strides. In my firm when I was hired a decade ago, there was one female partner and just. Since that time there have been three. Eventually I made manager and I was the only female but now more than 1/2 of the managers are female.


      • Linda Vernon says:

        Yay! That is good news. In the 70’s, I was the office manager in an architect’s office. My boss would have me serving coffee at meetings and running his his personal errands, and he would even brought in his mending for me to do! Then he would patronize me by reassuring me that I was the most important person in the office while paying me the least amount he could possibly get away with!


  11. elmowrites says:

    The Road not taken is one of my favourite poems – I like how you picked up on it, but took it your own way. I don’t think we needed the prologue – the piece stands on its own.
